
The Flash + literal Hell is not an equation I ever expected to encounter, for some reason. lol

I know that but that was from King, not someone actually working on the movie.

Kinda love that this news broke on the 19th of the month.

Movie’s coming out in August. True, one of the doldrum periods, but still a summer flick; studio must have some confidence in it (more than with the earlier February release date). Also, August. I wouldn’t expect a major marketing push until sometime in July.

Are we not ALL done with the Transformers films?

Alternative to option 3 is that the movie follows them into the Negative Zone, but I feel like that’s too similar to what (I’ve heard but haven’t seen because hell with that flick) happened in Fant4stick.

You are very clearly much better versed in Flash lore than me! I don’t know the Hell to Pay storyline, sorry. But I do know that there’s a lot more to be explored; I just hope they start getting smarter about it. My biggest complaint is that for a bunch of eggheads, none of the characters on the show actually seem to

LOL okay. I understand your point, but I don’t think it’s hopeless. Even I have some ideas of how it could work, and they don’t share any DNA with Incredibles beyond being a superfamily of sorts.

I don’t know why we’re discounting time travel shenanigans. This IS the Fantastic Four. ;p

I don’t mean to impugn your knowledge or anything...but you do know that Fantastic Four predates The Incredibles by something like 40 years, right? It just sounds like you’re unclear on which property ripped off of which.

Abyss is probably correct, but also Hollywood was a little different then. Franchises were out of fashion; the best you could expect was a trilogy IF THAT. And from what I can tell, that was contingent upon the success of the first film. They did not plan 9 films ahead with contracts and everything the way they do now.

I kind of didn’t want Supergirl in this anyway. At least not until they cleaned everything up, you know? Open a few windows to let in some fresh air and sunlight, polish the soot off the uniforms, swept all the bodies under the carpet - that sort of thing. She deserves a basic housecleaning when she visits, right? would know. ;p


Oh man I wish I’d been keeping a list. There was some really excellent mashed noir I came across maybe a year and a half ago and I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called. But when I do, I know who to tell about it. :D

This is a good call.

Hahaha long posts of this nature are not something I have any kind of problem with.

I really need to dig out my copy of Catspaw and give it a fresh look. I don’t think I’ve read it in at least a decade and I’ve changed a lot since then.

I was reading them, but sort of lost track a while ago. It’s one of the things I want to rectify after my impending move (when things have settled down, lol).

Thanks for the recommend, btw.