
As presented in the movie and stuff, from what I recall: Crappy. Not crappiest, but definitely in the top five.

Yeah, that’s how the actual cut of the movie worked out.

Wait, how did The Fifth Element end up? Is it like not well regarded or something? Because this would be news to me.

Am almost 100% certain that this is only a promo shot and will not appear (exactly like this) in the film.

Yeah, this is stupid. If Black Lightning takes place literally on the other side of the country, there’s no reason to not have it in the same universe. Legends notwithstanding, everyone mostly hangs out in their own city. And even if BL & co. wanted to get in touch with the other costumes, why would they have any idea

That would be entertaining AF! :D

Huuuuuuuuuh. So I guess Infinity War really is going to be about Our Heroes getting basically wiped out. Interesting.

I only know him as having blasty powers. If he was just a strong guy at some point, then missed that incarnation.

I didn’t hear anything about them explicitly saying anything about it. But based on what I know of the original story (admittedly, only broad sketches), there’s no reason to mention/introduce him if he’s not gonna be involved.

Drax appears Robb’s functionally invulnerable. Still got his ass handed to him by Ronan.

Maaaaaaaayyyyyyyyybe. If Peter didn’t have any power of his own, he wouldn’t be useful as a booster for Ego. Ergo...

Yes, it’s 100% likely that the stinger will come into play for Infinity War. It’s not even a question.

I love Nathan and I like this little Easter egg. But I want Simon Williams to show up in the MCU for another reason:

Okay, so...

I feel like Miracle Mile should’ve made the list. I guess it’s not strictly noir, but...well, it sure is a fucked-up movie!

Well, it got an 11th hour save as you may have heard, so yes, at this point I’d definitely recommend checking it out.

Can’t say I like the change for AoS. If nothing else, this messes up my established day-after viewing routine for the superhero shows. Buuuuut we’re getting another season of AoS, so I can’t complain too hard, ya know?

“Running out of characters”? Are you fucking high? JFC BAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.

Deconstruction ≠ parody.

Tentative interest, more than a little piqued by the always-welcome presence of Jamie Chung (it is Chung, by the way, James). Also I really liked Coby Bell on Burn Notice, so I’ll tune in to see what he’s up to as well.