
Oooohhh, of course. I did see the film but this is definitely not part of it. lol

Half the theatre cheered for Star Wars at my showing.

I feel like I should know what this is from...but I do not. Help a brother out?

ETA: Never mind, I looked it up.

Naw. Some gormless twit centered the text under the “heads” layer and reduced opacity, then published without further critical thought. As a graphic artist, I buy this as an honest (although pretty damned rookie) mistake.

Haha yeah, that’s fair enough.

I think it’s not necessarily true that the scenes in this show especially don’t forward the plot. In that the orgies are the fullest expression of their connectedness. In the first season, the orgy had repercussions for the characters, having to kind of wrap their heads around it. By the Christmas episode, they were th

I can’t say I mind the sex...but yeah, that’s not why I watch this show. lol

Prediction: Medusa will only use her powers in pitch dark or when heavily backlit. Or just off-camera.

First: It is “their.”

I feel like it’s not just she doesn’t have a distinctive enough “deal.” I’d argue it could’ve worked, except that she’s a character who has a long history of getting fucked around massively. It wasn’t until Claremont stepped in that she wasn’t the butt of the worst possible kinds of sexism.

I for real thought that was an actual (very minor) plot point in the movie. Or like a line of dialogue or something. But I only watched that thing the one time, so this might be retroactive editing. :p

Yes. This is the one-handed reloading trick I was referring to. A lot of people seem to think I was talking about later when he lost fingers. Nope, this was featured in the shootout in the very first book.

Can I just squee for a minute?

Personally, I kind of prefer good-natured snarking to smug “superiority,” so. I’m thinking the problem here is you.


A fight with four vastly different power-level characters... that’s only ever going to be effective if they’re beset on all sides; otherwise they’re just getting in each others’ way. Maybe that was the point, but it does create a weird dynamic here.

Personally, Sofia Boutella was 100% all I needed to care about this. She is always such a goddamn delight to watch.

Kind of love how they’re getting in character on Twitter. That’s a thing of beauty right there.

This is the best point.