
Someone else to write ALL of the dialogue. lol

That is a really good point that I super wish one of the supposed smart people on the show would realize.

Oh man now I really want that to happen.

I never got this dude’s deal. Some weird shit about how he’s a “bronze ideal of human perfection” or whatever? Okay, Lester Dent, you do you. But seriously, his origin and powers in the Wiki sound pretty much identical to what we saw for the Vision in Age of Ultron.

You’re clearly incapable of understanding basic English. While that’s not a permanent flaw – remedial courses are available everywhere! – I’d recommend removing your trolly blinders before class, so that you actually learn something.

Making Night Thrasher into a YouTuber is... well, a questionable choice. But whatever.

...that news about Natalie Morales very much makes me want to give the show another try. Damn it.

Honestly, I can totally see Marvel wading in with its zipper down to “show them how it’s done”. And succeeding.

I love how there’s someone facepalming in the background of the last panel. :D :D :D


Oh man, both Communion and Fire in the Sky fucked Young Me up so hard. Nightmares about those fucking greys for weeks on end.

I’d like to place money on 3or being Volstagg.

Bright green has the benefit of having been christened as the best color for visibility purposes. So I guess there’s that.

That international poster for Alien: Covenant is bloody gorgeous. More like that, please.

LOL yeah, you’re definitely not wrong there.

NO SHIT, SERIOUSLY? Wow! I’m extremely impressed.

HA! To each their own! Personally, I’m pretty equal opportunity where that’s concerned. I’ve run the gamut and there’s fun to be had at every point.

Also the eyes being so big and dark, I think. But YES, I can totally see that!

Well, that’s fair enough.

Okay, LMAO.