
No, I don’t think that, you fucking shitgargler. Wow.

That’s an awful lot like asking people to stop being in love with Christina Hendricks, and I think we all know that’s never going to happen.

That is a bright side, lol. And weirdly enough, I’ll probably be more comfortable with it with that sort of lampshading. If there’s even a problem. I really can see this going a variety of ways, which was basically my point that half the commenters missed.

Finally someone has a clue about what I’m getting at.

Oh holy shit, are you literally unable to understand what it means to have mixed feelings/conflicting opinions?

Did you just stop reading before my third point?

I always loved that tripartite choice concept, so that really stuck with me. :)

You’re not wrong, but my thinking is that if they take the rumored tack of making him the viewpoint character in Infinity War, then that degree of CG might be prohibitively expensive and/or not look good enough, so they’ll end up going the makeup route.

Ya know what? Given the prominence of superhero movies these days, it damn well should be! LMAO!

Oh shit, how did I never notice that? As someone with a name with a “variant” spelling, I understand how that’d be annoying. Thanks for pointing that out.

And I am so there for that! LOL

I’m not worried about the MCU movies.

A) Thank you for reading my whole post and understanding each of my points, you jackass gray pretending to be an editor, as if that would fool anyone.

I think they will overcome that problem if they make him the viewpoint character of Infinity War, which is the rumored tactic.

Ok, first, no shit, Sherlock.

No, largely because I don’t give a tin shit about the MIB universe, and also the characters aren’t in the same universe in some media.

Good point – and I have every confidence in Brolin to both understand that requirement and deliver the goods.


Mixed feelings about this.

Much as I don’t want any thunder stolen from Supergirl, I’d totally be down for a Superman spin-off. Maybe even just a miniseries?