
Utterly baffled why more Katrina Law is any kind of cause for complaint.

OMG yes but would Marvel want to risk association with the weird and kind of terrible Herc film Dwayne already did?

I didn’t know how much I wanted this until I read this.

Some Twitterfolk were kvetching about how this looks “too Guardians of the Galaxy” and there were a lot of clever folks tweeting “Asgardians of the Galaxy” so that’s a thing that happened. I see what they’re saying but I do not agree.

Excellent comment is excellent.

Re: Inhumans – not having an immediate, direct crossover doesn’t mean shit and ALL y’all need to stop acting like it does.

I mean, this is a franchise built on extreeeem vehicular sports so why the hell not? They’ve got my butt in the seat pretty much regardless of what they do. That’s what self-aware lunacy will get you.

Personally, I’m tired of everything turning into a ship.*

By accounts, they don’t have to. We now live in a time where the job of political comedians is to be the straight man.

Yes they did. But what I’m saying is, they didn’t actually need to get him on a battlefield. There was literally no reason (that they gave, that I recall) that they couldn’t have picked him up earlier in time and done everything else exactly as they had without a freaking war happening on top of them.

Did they, though? Did Tolkien only find out about the blood on the very eve of battle?

End of last, beginning of this one, yes. Man, how does this seem so long ago?

I mean... it’s hard to fault them for picking a demonstrably popular figure in the target demographic. That’s a pretty solid, basic PR move. AND YET.

Yeah my parents often chided me about valuing things. Usually right after I lost those things.

LMFAO! I wish I had more than but one star to give.

Starred partly for your great handle.

They can’t possibly think that pop culture depictions of scary clowns are the reason scary clowns exist. Who among us hasn’t been at a kid’s party with a clown and someone losing their shit because they’re scared of the uncanny valley that clown makeup represents to some people. Coulrophobia is estimated to affect 12%

Well, I mean. Apparently there is a market for that.

All right, well. This is still a free country. No one is stopping you from glorying us with your objectively correct opinion. By all means, share.

Yeah. After decades of having to watch advertising, the public has developed a pretty damn good bullshit detector – at least as regards advertising. :p