
As I think I’ve already said to you today (and I swear I’m not trying to hound you or anything like that): how much a movie earned is not a good metric for how good a movie it is. I recognize that it is the metric of “success,” but that’s bullshit. BvS was a fucking terrible movie, and how much money it made or didn’t

That is not a good metric.

Am I alone in being really sick of excessive moving parts/details? Like, was never really on board with the Spider-Man textures that made him look like a fucking basketball, and then Transformers you can’t see what the fuck is even happening, ever, because there are so many things moving in different ways. And then

Wow, now I see it. Honestly, I always pictured JJ as mid-80s Linda Hamilton with somewhat less poofy hair. But this? This is damned near perfect!

It is genuinely difficult to remember it’s all the same person.

I found most of the characters kind of unlikable in the first few episodes. Like everyone’s kind of a dick; didn’t appeal. But if it gets better after that, I’d consider picking it up again.

I’m going to limit my comments to the pitches:

This is one of the points that I’m constantly kinda sniggering about with these diaperstains. But no, their entire philosophical rationale can’t possibly be failing them, it must be a conspiracy against their timeless truths.

Yeah, I got the two characters mixed up in my head. :( Like I said downthread, I’m not super connected to the Iron Fist comics.

Oh shit, I had her mixed up in my head with Misty! That’s what happened. I’m not really an Iron Fist reader, that’s the only excuse I can offer. LOL.

Colleen and Danny weren’t in a relationship at all in the comics? I totally thought they were dating at one point but then it didn’t work out and then they just stayed badass buddies.

Personally, I caught all of that subtext – and I didn’t like it. I also didn’t hate it, but I definitely feel like they fucked a lot of stuff up that didn’t need to get fucked up.

Did you watch the show? Not griefing you, but I thought the show made it abundantly clear when and why she became disillusioned with the Hand. It was a nontrivial setpiece, but I don’t want to spoil it for you if you haven’t watched it yet (or otherwise care about spoilers).

I don’t.

But we need the T in there for Thor!

So the War Thor is going to be Amadeus Cho, post-nonsensical-Wolverine claw addition, right?

Oh man, please be Morph just fucking with everyone.

Counterpoint: It’s also not that good. Here’s my analysis of the stumbling points.

Really wish people would learn the difference between “compliments” and “complements.”

Oh yeah, that Tropic Thunder bit was riding one hell of a razor-edge. I think they only got away with it because was it was never presented as anything other than utterly idiotic.