
I have come around to no longer understanding why this is even controversial. I want the fan service too, but I don’t think it works narratively.

I guess in fairness I didn’t watch either of his “The” movies. He might have done something different in those.

I guess my only question is whether RDJ will simply channel his charming, snarky arrogance into another franchise, or will he do something different and, y’know, act.

Might be a bit of a tangent, but since you brought it up: Dude, do you also always spell out “what the fuck”? Does writing WTF somehow automatically make one immature? Come on, you know it doesn’t. Shorthand ≠ censoring, self or otherwise. “Af” is a pretty common internet shorthand.

Yeah no, this dude’s attempt at satire failed pretty hard. Especially since later comments indicate he was only “sort of” joking. This post was 100% fail state of clever.

Seriously. Why the fuck would they not use Eli?

Kinda hard to argue, though.

That cover for Binti is fucking GORGEOUS.

No. No, they are not good.

Look, we can deride WB all we want, but you can’t deny that they tried something; that something made money, but was widely disliked, and so didn’t make as much as it should have. Even bad executives are aware of the value of brand management and your customers having positive associations with your brand. They have

That is a very bad, very short-term business plan. So yeah, I could see it happening. Hope not, but it’s also not impossible.

I don’t want to star Shitgibbon references, but damn if that wasn’t on point.

But with this director, though? James Gunn has never been anything less than passionate and committed to any project he’s done. Given the popularity of the first film and the MCU in general, I think a certain assuredness is warranted.

I mean...if there’s any franchise that is tailor-made for being able to do reboots without invalidating the movies that we’ve already seen, it is the bloody Matrix.

After we saw John Wick, my gf of the time would not stop raving about how hot Keanu was. I was like, “And the dude is fifty!” She practically BSOD’d for a good hour. LOL

That will never ever get old.

I was thinking more along the lines of easily tiring in relationships, but your assessment is pretty on-point. I mean, from a lifestyle perspective they are very very different, and I can certainly see that becoming an issue of sorts.

I’m not sure that you were intending to reply to me, but I agree with the things that you said. Those would make sense and might actually sort of give a different (if not necessarily likable) dimension to Thor.

OMG I didn’t know I needed this in my life until right now.

This seems like a really weird question. “Why would two insanely attractive people want to fuck each other?” But even taking it out of the gutter, there was some clear respect and affection on display in the the first movie especially.