
I hope I remember to check this out when I get home from work.

And let's be fair: Who wouldn't want to tap that? No one, that's who.

Why do we only get to choose one? Also, why is The Dark Knight Rises on there twice? #corrections

I never particularly thought Colbie was hot (though I certainly didn't think she was ugly) until I saw that photo. Wow. In fact, I'll go so far as to say "Dayyyaaaaamn."

I saw that movie in theatres when I was, what? Nine? I forget exactly. Anyway, even Li'l Mal looked at that scene (and most of the movie) and said, "WTF?" And I was not known for my taste in movies. I watched "The Last Dragon" AND "Howard the Duck" over and over.

They even use a painfully similar tagline. What, did they think we'd have forgotten by now?

Agreed, EXCEPT so soon after the Avengers it might resonate too strongly with Cap. The average filmgoer would be all, "Wait, didn't I just see this?" Or, if they're older, they'll think it's a Buck Rogers rip-off.

The whale looks more like a baleen than a sperm to me. I know, it's nitpickery in the vein of every other poster, but that one bugs me.

I would go to that concert. I would pay cash dollars to go to that concert.

I wonder if someone in the Batman movie is going to ask JGL about his uncanny resemblance to the Joker.

I hope when I see the actual movie, I can get over the makeup. Otherwise I'll come out of the movie thinking it was a film about a pair of eyebrows.

Really? They did that?

@Charlie Jane Anders Seconded.

Lucas was ALWAYS a licensing whore. Part of what made Star Wars so successful was the tie-in merch.

Wow, wtf? I commented and then I got this weird other page with crappy formatting?

Welp. Now I feel slightly less perverted in my attraction to Disney princesses. #snark

Hmm. We may be veering too far into the subjectivity of art on this debate, then. I simply don't get the same story out of the book as you apparently have (I'm not making you wrong for this, incidentally; it's one of the wonderful things about art that the same thing can be taken so differently). And that being the

Sure, I understand what you're saying — and in some cases, I'd agree with you. There are a great many authors for whom their personal viewpoints are plastered all over everything they write. Others do a little better with this but still take time out for an Author Tract on occasion. And their optimism, nihilism, what

My personal opinion: One should always try to divorce the artist from the art. Certainly I find many authors, actors, musicians and filmmakers to lead variously reprehensible existences, and some I severely dislike as human beings. But then I turn around and discover that their art transcends the living fuck out of

Well done, sir. Well done indeed.