You know, it's really not correct to assume that Scientologists automatically like this film. In fact, some I have talked to hate it moreso even than do rabid anti-Scientologists who think it's a propaganda film.
You know, it's really not correct to assume that Scientologists automatically like this film. In fact, some I have talked to hate it moreso even than do rabid anti-Scientologists who think it's a propaganda film.
There's no real reason for this genre to die, so long as filmmakers can find ways to tell compelling, interesting stories.
Yeah, I guess I'm going to see this. Kate Beckinsale would've been enough to sell me. I do loves me some Kate Beckinsale.
Yeah, I actually kind of want to see this. It looks entertaining.
It's not just you, but there's a certain amount of buzz amongst the core demographic. It does look like a pretty good flick, so the people who'd be interested anyway pretty much are. The challenge will be making everyone ELSE interested. I hope they do; I don't want this movie to bomb — Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone…
I know, I had the same issue. Maybe they'll do some makeup magic.
Well, for what it's worth, the author was one of the screenwriters and a producer. I figure if anyone has the authority to make changes like these, it would be her.
I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but this apparently is one of the giant holes in my education: Are there no other fluids that could have the same effect but not actually be water?
That's good to know! Maybe I'll actually give it a try — once he's done.
"Grunty ways" made me chortle loudly. I shall endeavor to use that phrase in regular conversation at some point in the near future.
I'm SO GLAD I'm not the only one who wanted to see that so very, very much.
It's what we all do.
No, that's exactly what I thought as well.
My thoughts precisely.
I don't think that word means what they think it means.
Well, I was on the fence about this one, but now I think I'll see it. On a first viewing, I usually enjoy a movie at face value unless they keep kicking the props off my suspension of disbelief with really glaring plot holes or other blatant stupidities (looking at you, Green Lantern and every Transformers movie). So…
You made me LOL with that last paragraph. Well done, Caveman. Well done, indeed.
Et Tu Babe has one of the funniest passages I have ever or will ever read. But that's just me, probably.