
I should have it made! I'm dependable. And sexy*!

I'd actually love to see a Superman/Batman movie. But definitely not THAT Superman/Batman movie.

She was recently on Burn Notice. Most of her screen time was in a bikini. Available on Hulu. Don't say I never did anything for you.

Buckaroo Banzai does, however, need sequels. Lots of. Or maybe a TV series. Just so long as they don't try to take it seriously.

Do or do not. There is no try. And I urge you toward "do".

Yeah, I'd pretty much agree with that.

Justin Hammer and Vanko were each villains in their own right, though on somewhat different fronts. They teamed up to take down Stark/Iron Man.

I couldn't resist the snark opportunity. She does have a certain "come hither" pose going on there.

Me, too. But "change is scary", right?

As someone who avoided being fully deaf from a very young age by sheer luck, this definitely hits me where I live. Very moving. I'm really happy this technology exists now.

Admit it: 6 and 22 come from the porn, don't they? (No, I haven't seen or heard of a Wonder Woman porn. But it stands to reason it exists.)


Also +1

I did not watch and do not care about the 9 Lives thing, but it seems like shows get their plugs pulled awfully goddamned fast these days. I don't think that's fair, at all. It takes a certain amount of time for any show to find its feet and its audience. It's like the networks aren't even really giving some shows a

Guh. I still hate that line so much.

And you are right to do so.

...but you fuck ONE GOAT!

I agree. The premise alone is retarded (in my ever-humble opinion).

No. I did, too. I'd get snippy if someone had that as their opening statement all the time, too.

If by "hideous" you mean "awesome", then yes, I agree.