
Thank you, I had not seen that other article. With your additional info, I am satisfied. :)

So just because there's another Earthlike planet in our system, that automatically means it's a Xerox copy of ours (with "some differences")? How does that even begin to make sense? Multiverse-Earths I can accept, but that explanation + "I have a twin over there" = nonsense.

The best shape I was ever in, I had a job where I sat and ran up and down stairs in roughly equal measure. There's a lot I don't miss about that job, but I do miss the exercise and trim waistline.

I am now 100% sold on Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy. 100-gorram-percent.



Yeah I wouldn't mind a show with a female flying brick. Just because it's never been done, and for no good reason I can see. Note that if the concern is that female leads are apparently a hard-sell for the demographic (I think I heard that somewhere), who says the leader has to be the show's lead?

I will probably be there until closing. I can't make any claims for how good my company will be, mind you — or even whether I'll be conscious. But I'll be there.

I'll be there.

As do I! And the cool thing about the chosen location is, it's literally a block or less away from a relative's apartment. So I can play chicken with alcohol poisoning AND have a safe crash-pad.

I'm still kind of baffled by how Fringe can pull their nuts out of the fire, given that nothing in the new status quo would make sense or be possible without the existence of Peter. Sure, they can handwave it, but I dunno. It'd have to be some serious handwaving.

This is an AWESOME idea. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Awesome.

Oh, I like that one.


Re: Prometheus: Ridley Scott might just be talking about the setup for the movie, not what NASA or the Vatican actually believes or doesn't believe in the real world.

That's not even the worst part. If they're so top-secret — as covered in detail in the earlier movies — why is that guy not in jail (or executed) for treason?

If you call "Nonononononononono" a "plot contribution", then the answer is "yes".

That was hilarious.

I totally owned the toy. It was nonsensical, but it was kind of fun to make the fists pop out.

Just once, I want to see it turn out to be lupus. Just ONCE.