
That's a nice bit of handwavery. And I don't mean that sarcastically. That's actually a pretty decent way to get around the bullshit.

I found it disturbing because of what they did to him. Sure, he was all manner of asshole, but that sort of mind-fuckery doesn't sit well with me; I don't care who is on the receiving end.

No yeah, I understand that, and I agree. But if you've got a passing familiarity with the timeline, the mastication and expectoration we've seen is at least going to cause a few double-takes.

I second Astrocramp. A transcendental being — which any God would have to be, pretty much by definition — would not be at all constrained by physical universe rules, most particularly time.

" say nothing of the timeline being completely pretzelated."

*slow clap*

I've heard/read the same types of stories. For all their storied smarts, dolphins are the horny rapists of the sea. At least some of them are. I suppose it wouldn't be fair to dolphinkind to say they ALL are, based on the misbehaviors of a relative few.

No, I was asking sincerely. I guess I didn't get the memo.

Allow me to rephrase: I disagree with the generalities put forth in the semantics of this article, most particularly the first paragraph. That's really the whole point I was making. I don't contest that SOME people get their heads fucked with this way. I contest that ALL people do. I'll admit this was not clearly

How do you figure that?

I can't tell whether you're refuting or backing up my comment. Because it sounds to me like you're backing me up.

I blame Hipster Ariel for this sudden surge of Mer interest.

He's a lot of things, but a good writer isn't one of them, apparently. Elliptical abuse is one of my pet peeves.

Y'know...that may have more to do with the hypnotic level and/or credulity of the test subjects than something you can make a blanket statement about humanity.

Candyland: No. The most ridiculous thing ever said about the Candyland movie is, "Let's make a movie about Candyland!"

I dunno. I thought that was kinda funny.

I just heard about this yesterday, or I would totally be in on this. As it is, I really hope I see it happening somewhere in LA.

No reason people can't do BOTH.

This. Most definitely this.

Doesn't matter. There can never be enough Anne Hathaway in a catsuit.