I want to read this article, because I want to read the book. I can't read this article for the same reason. Damn spoilers.
I want to read this article, because I want to read the book. I can't read this article for the same reason. Damn spoilers.
Because none of the other characters like him. I liked him ok. He made mistakes and he's an occasional asshole, but that describes 100% of the people I've ever met.
I haven't read any of the originals, but I enjoyed Fuzzy Nation. It was light, fun and unexpectedly hell yeah toward the end. The banter — as noted, a Scalzi hallmark — is always entertaining and the themes and plot were, if not heavy, at least *somewhat* realistic. I actually found it refreshing that Holloway is kind…
Because they were lazy?
Standing upright — and being taller — makes it easier to get food from higher up. Giraffes solved this by growing stupidly long necks. Humans solved it by standing up. Because we apparently need fiber in our diets to stay regular.
Yeah, well. I was buzzed, tired and not that interested. But thanks to the both of you for posting it!
I, for one, am reminded of a Penny Arcade strip. I wish I knew what it was called or whatever so I could link it, but it addressed this topic in a very Penny Arcade way. It was hilarious.
Oh. Oh, gawd. I believe this is one of those times when "oh no you di-nt" is appropriate. Also: Gag.
I believe I'd rather do it with Kara Thrace.
Eureka is on Watch Instantly?! All this catching up I could've been doing! ARRGHHH!
Yeah, I can't precisely say I "enjoyed" Southland Tales, but it did sort of entertain me. They held the mild-confusion-to-horrified-fascination note fairly well throughout the movie. But then, I kind of like a certain amount of WTFery.
I'll still watch it when it comes out on DVD. If I like it, great. If I don't — I'll have had Bad Movie Night, which is something I look forward to now and then.
I maintain that I can't believe a loving God would end the world before we get to see the Avengers movie.
You know, I took this comment possibly the wrong way on first read, too. But if you were trying to be satirical — I get it! That's actually pretty funny!
Well, fuck you, too. XP
You mean "metasexual", right? #rimshot
Simple answer: Because they're FISH. #opposablethumbsFTW
Simple answer: Because they're FISH. #opposablethumbsFTW
Just finished watching the penultimate episode, and now this? I was wondering how they were gonna up the ante for next season, I really was. Now that question has been answered.