
So people might not want to see a movie because it has aliens? That's fucking speciesist! SO uncool, America.

As someone (I think it was @EldritchGirl or @Serifina [apologies for any typos]) stated: Superboy punching the universe will never not be funny. Just...never.

Fuckin' A that looks like a wild ride. I'm really hoping they manage to avoid the shittiness of Wolverine: Origins, because I really don't want to give up seeing awesome, non-lifting superheroics on the big screen.

I get annoyed by either end of the spectrum, to be honest. I do not personally hold with the idea that the physical universe is all there is, but you can't entirely discount the physical realms. And people insisting in the teeth of contrary evidence on either side sorta bug me, because c'mon. There's a middle ground,

No, yeah. I think she sort of hurt her voice doing Nemoy. Both Olivias were a little more gravelly than usual. But I *love* the idea that Bell popped on over to Boliva. It adds potentialities to be explored later.

What the hell ever happened to that one where there was a city upside down over another city that wasn't Inception? I kinda liked the quirky sound of that one but hell if I can remember what it was called.

Quite. I almost made the same mistake as well.

Not when the category is Wings/Flight.

Hawkeye is on there twice?! I found him under Mastery: Marksmanship: Archery. What was the other one?

That, or House of M. But I think you're right.

They're part of his mutation — totally agreed. But so too are heightened senses, and I don't remember seeing those there, either. Actually, it seems like in the comics lately, that aspect has been downplayed — and I don't remember them ever mentioning whether other senses save smell were heightened — but still. The

Really? They list Wolverine's powers as "claws" and not "healing factor"? "You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it does."

Well, at least this increases the likelihood of a proper Super-fight. And damned if I wasn't tired of Luthor. I mean, seriously tired of Luthor.

I don't know why people shit on Routh. He's a decent actor. I don't recall where I read it, but apparently in Superman Returns, he was playing Christopher Reeve playing Superman. If you look at it that way, it's sort of eerie how good a job he did. The movie was crap because of the screenplay, not the actors. And I've

That's...actually an interesting point. I never thought of it as a gender thing so much as a maturity thing, if that makes sense. Sort of along the lines of "grow up". But now I see the phrase from another angle, I can see that could come across a bit differently from I actually intended. Thanks for pointing that out.

@Gr8andPowerfulTurtle: Oh, I am truly sorry. I believe you somehow got the impression that I give a fuck about you or your opinions. Let me correct that right now: I really don't.

[redacted until I have time to come up with a reply that doesn't sound fucked up because I'm in a hurry to get to work.]

Ha! That's actually very true. But now I have this handle pretty much everywhere, so I'll stick with it.

Any you detect there comes entirely from you. I didn't put it there.