
@Smeagol92055: I think it's less a matter of "conveniently forgetting" than "not having known". I was unaware of that retcon. The story I remember from reading classic Spider-Man TPBs was he made the things himself. In his high-school chemistry department.

I'm down with the costume but I gotta say — even though I know this will be an unpopular statement — the organic web-shooters were one of the (very) few things that I thought the movies did better than the comics.

@thebluepill: Because that would look like shit.

@Benjamin Andrew Moore: Well, given the fact these publications were done in the very early 90s, you've pretty much given me the point I was making.

@Nivenus: Yeah I got the original alert on my phone and was just hastening over to clarify. My typo, not yours. Once I knew though, I definitely snickered at your original Broccoli comment.

Is that a CG eyepatch?

@storymark: News to me, thanks for clarifying.

Isn't this an idea that's been kicking around sci-fi for a while now?

@storymark: Hm, good point. I suppose it can still hold for the older films, especially considering the Craig Bond films are a reboot. But eh, whatev.

@Nivenus: The... "Broccoilis"?

@Eriah: That's a great paraphrase. I also love the expression "geek adjacent" because my membership to this site notwithstanding, I always felt I was right on the borderline because I don't really geek out the way one is apparently expected to.

@Robb Nunya: Yeah, I'd be down with that as well.

@sicboi: She IS nice eye candy; I hope to see her find her place in the Hollywood firmament (I'm hoping she's got the acting skills to back up her looks, but I don't actually know except she did pretty well in Cloverfield).

@Nivenus: Yeah, but the books don't take place over a 40–50-year period. XP

Of course geekery is becoming a target demographic. Geeks are the ones who will stay home and watch all that shit instead of going out and partying (etc.). Plus now they've (we've?) put the geekery to work bringing in the bucks, so even more attractive to marketing execs.

@Nivenus: Did they really? Fie on them, I liked that idea. It made everything work for me.

@eregyrn: I should probably stop posting hastily from work, as much because when I do my shit gets all half-assed and improperly thought-out as because I should be working. Haha