
@adgeman: Well, as an ex-pat, for me seeing that kind of thing actually adds to the squee. But I can totally see it not quite working when you still live there.

@DataScream: Ditto. It works so well on so many levels.

@WookieLifeDay: What if you see it and think, "I'd totally live in a house like that"?

@Mastiff: Thank you, yes! Red Star was the one I was thinking of.

Actually, I only read the whole article because it's a slow day at work and I'm bored. No slight on your writing skills, Charlie Jane. Just saying I don't think even the Portman-Kunis macking would make it worth the time for me. *shrug*

The look and feel of Iron Sky totally reminds me of a comic series from about 10 years ago. It was a really awesome series but I lost track of it and I can't remember what it was called. But it was set in Russia and very much had the whole "proletariat industrial" thing going on. Plus the additional hook of

@Lincolnsbeard33: Nah, the Old Spice Guy needs to be Luke Cage. Also, he wants the part. Let's give these guys the parts they actually want, neh?

@nutnics: That is simple. But I don't see why that would have to be true. To me that implies a relatively narrow definition of "life".

@andromedeia: Well, thanks, you and the others who chimed in. You've proved my point and also made me hate my current bed.

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I think I'd get a crick in my neck riding that thing for very long.

Here's the thing that no one seems to be considering: If you bring home a geek girl, that bed is actually going to work in your favor.

@Alowicious: Yes! I was totally going to mention that.

Cannot wait. Of course, I have to. But I can't. The only sensible thing to do is put myself in suspended animation until Friday (which is when it shows up on Hulu).

These remind me of those watercolor picture books from... I dunno, the 50s, I think. Maybe earlier. They don't creep me out but they're certainly...odd.

@WookieLifeDay: Wholehearted agreement there. Unless there's a legit reason for it (like, say, Cyclops' optic blasts).

@WookieLifeDay: I've heard of wire-fu. I just grin every time I come across it. Tickles me funny bone, like.

@WookieLifeDay: Yeah, I think I'm kind of following you. I mean, the superpowers are by definition a defiance of natural laws (as we understand them). So I can handle that, although I do get bugged when the writers get lazy and inconsistent with power levels and their ramifications. E.g. if superhuman A can punch