It's nice art, but I'm not a fan of Superman-as-religious-icon-metaphor.
It's nice art, but I'm not a fan of Superman-as-religious-icon-metaphor.
@Bill-Lee: I'm totally with you on that. 10-minute shorts of yore were awesome, even moreso than their bastard stepchildren (trailers).
@Yournamehere!: HEY. I'm eating here. I spew all over my keyboard, I'm sending YOU the bill.
@MonkeyT: Second that.
@TomSkylark: "Now if only FOX would lose its rights to the X-Men flicks so that we could actually see mutants get addressed (or just plain show up) in the Marvel Studios flicks."
@Google: Privacy is Job 1: Nothing is real until I've had coffee. Which makes the fact that I pick up my coffee at the END of my morning commute extra scary.
Well, I was already most likely going to go see it. Because I am a movie whore.
@CodenameV: How very, very odd. I mean, thanks for the reference; it still doesn't remind me of any Canucks I know. Of course, I don't know very many further east than Alberta (though my parents grew up in Saskatchewan). So maybe it's different on the East coast or up in the Northwest Territories and shit.
@TheFirstBardo: LMAO. Well, maybe it's one of those things that can go both ways.
Oh wow, I'd somehow never heard of Primer but it sounds awesome. I'm adding it to my Netflix queue tonight so I can anticipate this next film as breathlessly as you guys. (Sincerely.)
@bluebottle: I've never observed any prejudices or whatever against Toronto, period. But I come from BC, so. We make fun of Newfies in BC. *grin*
@lazerus72: Well, I may be an oddity (wouldn't be the first time) but I sort of lost interest in cartoons in general (Pixar-type movies excepted) by the time I was about 12, and I never was much for anime/manga/etc. I mean, except Akira (and I saw that after arm-twisting). I think anyone older than a Millennial is…
@33rd°: +1. Nathan Fillion is definitely a hero in my book. Capt. Hammer was a douche though, ha ha.
@bluebottle: I totally disagree but I don't have the energy to argue. I think your generalities may be limited to a particular strata of Canadians, though.
Incidentally if I'm coming across excessively snippy, I do apologise. Insomniac last night = snarly Mal.
@lazerus72: Yeah, agree with Dunny. I suspect there's an age bracket thing you need to take into account, here.
@CodenameV: Hm, wow. I don't know what Canadians you know, but that doesn't sound like any Canadians I know. And as I'm Canadian, I know a few.
@RizzRustbolt: Where the HELL did you get that idea? In the (pre-movie) Wolverine Origins, he grew up in Alberta. It's really very clearly noted. That whole thing with Dog and Rose and shit. The original Wolverine Origins.
Like probably 90% of America, I know fuck-all about the source material, so none of that bothers me. I'll see this because it looks like fun.
@Charlie Jane Anders: I dunno, I was convinced by the fire in Hellboy. But then, I'm pretty willing to suspend disbelief for comic-book movies.