@Smeagol92055: Oh, YEAH. I forgot about that, too. Yes, that needs some attention.
@Smeagol92055: Oh, YEAH. I forgot about that, too. Yes, that needs some attention.
That picture kicks SO MUCH ASS.
I almost hate to say it, but I hope this becomes a meme. Because there are so, so many people I'd love to yell, "Get out of there" before they die whatever explosive, firey, decompressed, acid-bathed, limb-rent, eviscerated, run-through, diseased, neck-broken, radioactive, drowned, squished, torn, laser-burned,…
@Zom-B: Yeah, them too. Although oddly, they're interchangeable in my mind, probably thanks to the Beckinsale connection. *grin*
The question is really, "Why did you give it a NOSE like that, Mother Nature? You had to know all the other sharks would tease it and make it go all Jeremy on their asses someday."
Not to pick nits, but the article refers to the new flick as "Helsing", as though "Van" was the dude's first name. Is this actually the project title or just an oversight in the article?
@crosis101: The thing I had to get over was the lousy dialogue. I'm with Kiamat - I don't think we saw the same movie.
@Lamar Henderson: I don't think that's because of the genre - science fiction's reservoir has scarcely been tapped by Hollywood. Rather I think it's because (and I find myself saying this far too often) Hollywood is afraid of taking risks, and science fiction stuff is nothing if not risky. So you have a few pioneers -…
This is one of those things that would be kind of offensive if it wasn't so goddamned hilarious.
@lodown: BA HA HA HA HA
@NotANumber: I can actually see those women ALMOST working for that role. Maybe a hybrid of the two, with someone who can pull off the gravitas thrown in.
@Cjay79: Oh, SNAP. That is a little weirdmaking, innit.
@DrLight: This does seem to be a common refrain amongst psychologists (at least those few I've spoken to) vs. psychiatrists. Perhaps because the latter have license to administer drugs, it becomes a case of "to a hammer, every problem looks like a nail". Which strikes me as a decidedly unscientific (to say nothing of…
@YoungWilliam: Which will be mixed with the sheep shit. The resultant clone will look like the poo-demon in Dogma.
@DrLight: It's helpful in that it's good to know what the kids are calling stuff these days. I'm still super-skeptical about the whole "chemical-imbalance" theory of mental illness, given that I haven't been sold on the claim that they know what "normal" is.
@InsidiousTuna: The answer is "I will drink your milkshake!"
@WookieLifeDay: +1
@DrLight: Well, okay, and thank you. But what are they saying it actually IS, now? I mean, y'know. Cliff's Notes.
@WookieLifeDay: Wellll... I just don't think the world is ready to see Reed fingerblasting Sue at a dinner party.