A lot of the comments are about how FF needs to be whiz-bang bright and fun, and screw dark and edgy.
A lot of the comments are about how FF needs to be whiz-bang bright and fun, and screw dark and edgy.
@Rahll: Oh, I'm definitely aware of the pop-culture misuse. Setting aside the fact that it did originally mean split personalities until they changed its meaning, what I'm saying is, as of about 5-8 years ago, the APA itself could not agree internally how to define — much less diagnose or treat — the disorder they…
Oh, cool. Does that mean they've nailed down a definition for schizophrenia now? Because the last I checked (before I got frustrated and gave up), "schizophrenia" was being used as a catch-all for everything they hadn't invented a name for yet.
@Darth Meow 504: This made my morning.
@emerson999: Terribly sorry to hear about your injury. But thank you for the additional input. It does go to show that given the dual nature of most of our appendages and sensory inputs, going bionic is likely an all-or-nothing matter. Except maybe where hands are concerned.
@Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib: If I am, the payment hasn't come through yet. I'll check with my pim— er, boss.
@AmishJohn: +1 for OMW reference.
@redqueen: Not to put too fine a point on it, but throwing things IS fun.
Really all that was needed was point 4 to prove the awesomtasticity of this point.
@Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib: Oh, yeah, your friend's assessment sounds about right for me. In fact, it's possible your friend IS me (or a twinner), because that's exactly how I describe it! Haha!
I am deeply ambivalent about both of these movies. On the one hand, I love X-Men and superhero movies in general. On the other hand, not a fan of reboots or prequels unless it's for the purpose of bringing in a new generation. It hasn't been THAT freakin' long since X-Men came out.
This is a great article.
@Snafu77: Well, you're not wrong, but what's actually to blame are the risk-averse studio executives who are expected to shell out millions for even the most minor film. They want a hefty profit, and they've learned that pandering to a pre-existing audience is a successful action. So they play it safe and the result…
I don't think she's a bad-looking lady — before or after Photoshop — but I also don't think she's particularly interesting or talented, either. Call me crazy but I don't see how getting banged on camera can or should lead to any career besides porn. Mind you, I haven't seen that video so maybe I missed some…
@Plague: ZING!
@Mandi Zola: Totally. The trailer is a work of art all by itself!
Oh, yeah - Lois Habiba should definitely come back.