Coverly Comms

Forgive me. Obvs not from ‘here’!


Right? As someone who has unintentionally allowed an entity permission to use my image, I completely understand. My image isn’t worth sh!t; Grande’s is worth... considerably more than that and depending on the talents of the lawyers involved, can be used in perpetuity.

Well, someone just won the internet... THIS CENTURY. 


I’m not even American but as soon as I saw Williamsburg, Brooklyn, I was like, “Well, of COURSE Williamsburg.” May they knit their own tofu as a defence shield in peace as they prepare for the Trump-induced apocalypse. As we all know, God will #save the ones who are Right.

Had one; it was the best thing I ever did. I hope one is somehow in your future!

*Edit* Sorry, someone already recommended this to another commenter down thread. I heartily second this commenter!

Our children are transracial adoptees and this is exactly the sort of shit our youngest would pull. I’m never taking him *anywhere* precisely for this reason. The little twerp thinks he’s funny and already tried this in an airport on the way home.

Ich saufe wie die Deutschen- reicht daß? Hab’ mich schon gemeldet!

... or dramatically younger.

‘Cuntface windowlicking vegetable.’ Exceptional!

*Shrug* Seems an appropriate response.

Standard.... standard.... Yep, have also been rude adolescent; get it... standard.... Spitting. Gross.... Mucous. Grosser.... AWW HOLY HELL IN A HAND BASKET THOSE LAST 4 WORDS.

Ouff. Great image. I will claim no glorious jaw-line myself, but that really captures the Trump Chin with all its insufficient corrective plastic surgery beautifully.

Knew a girl in first year uni, who may as well have been the Karen Smith to your Regina George and Gretchen Wieners, who went out on a whim and got the most basic-bitch, Disney-knock-off fairy tattoo on her lower hip. Karen said she regretted it the second it was finished and every once and a while I think of her, as

Yep. Utter spunkcrumpets.

GAH! I religiously kept one when I moved to northern Louisiana (... it was ‘96... small town... that’s where I found out was was mixed raced because people informed me... FUN) but have yet to do since! I sporadically start them thinking, “HERE COMES SOME LITERARY GENIUS” and three entries later... grocery list.

The longer I look at it, the worse it gets. Like, his face is actually contorted... and disappearing into his neck.

Spectacular metaphor. Brava!