Coverly Comms

*snort* heh. Nice. 

I’m so happy you’ve been able to do some processing! My deeply repressed mother also reached several epiphanies and has been able to make some informed decisions that give her more agency.

Love him. Saw him live a couple of times. Could actually relax and laugh and enjoy it! 

Thank you. I couldn’t figure out if it was a subtle dig or just a brain fart.

I ugly-cry through that one. Tears of joy, anger, rage, sorrow, hilarity and commiseration. Every. Single. Time.

I have founded and run The International Butter Club and I concur with this statement. 

As long as it’s tidier than this season has been! Woof. 

You are absolutely spot on. They seem... endearingly oblivious to it? It was just way too bro-ey for me. I got halfway through the first episode and their blitzed-beach-bum TV personalities clashed so starkly with reserved, sensible Icelandic mannerisms that it was cringe-worthy.

How serendipitous that her initials also form the cretinous racists’ rallying cry: All Lives Matter lol.

Dude. I’ve Dewey-ed and spine labelled my home library. Fiction has been sub divided into children’s and adult’s sections. (This was done before quarantine).

Because prohibition induces cravings in a Muslim country: Alcohol & pork products. I truly am ashamed... and full.

This. Thank you.

Willy-nilly. Nice.

THANK YOU! Transracial adoptive parent here and have struggled so much with this!

Have encountered Fade several times and each time he has been a self absorbed Short Guy* and kept hundreds of people waiting for no reason for literally hours. Not a fan.

THIS!!! We live in an international city with a lot of money floating around and it’s truly appalling to see how so many of the children treat people in the service industry. Wait staff, airline staff, hotel staff, personal staff (yep.), taxis, cleaners, you name it. We are so fortunate to live here and the least we

I could have sworn I saw her too!!

... no nerve endings in her tits either, by the sound of it.

IKR?? I love watching their skill development and it’s truly mind-boggling to see what those tiny little bodies can do. Like, where do they put all the muscle?!?!?!? I guess I enjoy the heartbreak.

BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Touché, Internet Friend!!