
Nope, no one noticed.

What's this doppelganger's name? My friend really wants to know.

I can certainly respect that, @avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus 

My big old boat was certainly steaming.

This was not a good episode, particularly in the Florida bit, which seemed like the culmination of a boring story that the show didn't even bother to tell. But I laughed out loud at Robert California and his nature/sexual analogies, and that's not nothin'.

I don't think her embarrassment at being with Schmidt has anything to do with his looks.

This show felt extraordinarily Canadian. It's hard to put my finger on why, but it just had the look and feel of a CBC show to me. Even more so than the actual CBC show that Jennifer Irwin was also on recently (Michael: Tuesdays and Thursdays, which no one watched but was awesome.)

Oh man. This briefly got my hopes up, because I'm really stupid.

I did, and it didn't. I get the old-school notifications when I come to the website, but nothing from the iPad app.

The bit about notifications seems to be a lie. What am I missing? I've seen no notifications, and can find no settings relating to such things.

Agreed. Also, I "connected to Facebook" like it gives you the option of doing, but I can't see any evidence that this actually, y'know, did anything. And it would be nice if the app let you see news articles, or anything beyond reviews/What's On Tonight?

I really, really liked the first act of this, and was terribly disappointed by what followed.

The White House probably wasn't built in the expectation that black people would ever be allowed in.

I like this show. I especially liked this episode. Other people are wrong about it, and I fear that they'll scare other producers from making musical TV for the sober.

No. I'm just a guy who wishes he could change his username.

Weren't they basically the Kabletown logo K?

Erin's face when Ryan told her to shut her beautiful, beautiful mouth totally justified any time spent.

I suspect she'll agree with you soon enough.

Soylent Green is drunk April.

Who said anything about sleeping?