
Seriously, though. I'm typically in the 30 Rock-is-overrated-by-other-nerds camp, but I couldn't think of a reason not to give this episode an A. So I did.

This episode did a comedy. Now the televisions like it, and Hollywood is… um, TV Guide?

Obviously she wouldn't risk letting her neighbours see Tom coming over. Also, I'm pretty sure at least one of them has a car.

If you know what I mean.

Anne agreed to go out with him again at the end of last week's episode. Then, presumably, they had off-camera contact.


Though it's also worth noting that a straight population comparison probably underestimates the popularity boost in Canada, since a much larger proportion of our population doesn't speak English well enough to enjoy English-language television.

A more accurate (but harder to calculate) approximation is that the US has 9.5 times the population of Canada.

And Elanis Morissette.

Well, so is an iPad. But point taken.

Tonight's Office aired last night here in Canada. It was less stupid than I expected. I recommend it to any of you who don't have anything better to do.

I definitely liked that the show finally acknowledged what a douchedick Will is, but it didn't make me dislike him any less.

Has Emma even had five lines all season?

I'm just sick of all this anti-small-boob bigotry. (Also confused, when the smallness is only in relation to Sofia freakin' Vergara.)

Are the women on this show having a cleavage competition? So many
low-cut tops; so much leaning over. Ladies, you’re not going to beat
Sofia Vergara. Button up.


I should probably refresh more often.

Though it's not actually true. They've both dated (and presumably had sexytimes) at various points throughout the series. Just not right now.

For some reason, my memory had me convinced that it was the Hankerciser 2000. I'm glad I was wrong; 200 is much funnier.

Seeing that reminded me that there was a Leafs game on that I would much rather have been watching. And I hate the Leafs.