
Despicable Me 2 was lazy, offensive garbage, but The Croods was a perfectly cromulent family movie.

Me too! And I can't wait to see it a third time.


@avclub-6eff75e7ea1e4eaecc24df1ca043de61:disqus  I'm a fat vegan! What do you need me to do?

This was an astonishingly hetero-normative piece of garbage. Hetero-prescriptive, really. It's a movie about how important it is for Gru to find a wife so his family can be normal. The fact that he was doing just fucking fine parenting on his own is irrelevant. I seriously felt guilty for exposing my niece to this

@avclub-b5af0324c7abe943994b4aae5d5eafbd:disqus Okay, but in my experience, I tend to be right about movies all the time.

When I saw this, I thought it was a solid 45 minutes too long, but I was riveted by it the whole way through anyway, if that makes any sense.

Oh, I hated the trailer, too. A lot. The actual film was light years better.

En français, "Laurence" s'écrit comme ça. And you're confused about what words are. But the movie is indeed pretty good.

I hate to be that guy, but at this point I'm starting to wonder if The A.V. Club just doesn't like movies.

Oh, Parker was perfectly cromulent.

This is a terrible idea and I would pay a large sum of money for it.

It's wildly inconsistent, but peaks much higher than a lot of people think. There's also no serialization that would create a need to watch every episode, particularly in the pre-Seven years (but even in the Seven years), so feel free to just seek out the highlights.

Sarah Polley is sorry that Canadians killed your parents.

I saw it seven months ago and I still laugh out loud occasionally when I remember the very last scene.

I actually had the chance to see both this and Case Sensitive last October at the Edmonton International Film Festival. But they were playing opposite Amour, so I didn't. I feel like I made the right choice.

Having seen it last night, I'll give it a better review right now: it's quite good. Disturbing and funny, alternately, and it views the story from a baseball-focused perspective without ignoring the broader implications. I imagine Alan Tudyk had to take a long shower after filming one of his scenes.

It is not far from perfect.

I saw this at an advance screening with a full house. At the beginning of the film, that is. There was hardly anyone left by the end. It's a technically competent film, but it makes little attempt to entertain, and the ideas in it are pretty trite.

The trailer has all the best parts. Seriously.