Technically federal law only trumps state laws where it ties into powers given to the federal government.
Technically federal law only trumps state laws where it ties into powers given to the federal government.
I'm surprised he only wants women to pop out 1 able bodied worker. Does he not get basic math? Like, that's a "replacement" for the mother, but not the father. Also, depending on how it's funded, you would normally need more active workers than retirees. Does he plan to increase immigration (I assume not given his…
Maybe Mystery inc can get to the bottom of this. I hear those lousy kids and their dog are good at it.
I mean, if they still legally married, you assume he would want to give her grounds to claim spousal abandonment. You know, where it often goes from no fault divorce to an at fault divorce. Where the aggrieved spouse makes out like a bandit (comparatively).
It is if she committed a crime
I mean. Isn’t most abuses committed by family or close family friends?
If, he was neither legally or psychologically held. He wasn’t (as far as legality is concerned) a danger to others. And even if he was, his mother wouldn’t have the right to hire people to take against his will.
“Yeah, I don’t know when an intervention becomes a kidnap?”
It’s our business if she hired people to kidnap him. That’s a crime, regardless of the reason.
Tom Clancy. Clearly. :p
To be clear, I’m still salty that Symphony and any version of Rondo (Dracula X SnES doesn’t count), aren’t in any of the Castlevania collections. I would love the remake ported (I have it on my PSP and Vita, but I mostly play my Switch).
Some of the later X games were likely fairly large (5,6,7, and 8 were I believe all PS2 games, and each likely was a fully wrapped with it’s own emulator).
Never hope for a proper Silent Hill anything. Konami can barely figure out that they should advertise it and they seem to care less for that than Castlevania.
I mean, the Dreamcast could emulate the original PS fairly decently. If they really didn’t do much but upscale and package it, I don’t see why the switch shouldn’t be able to run it fine. And if they repackaged and recompiled the source code for a modern multiplatform release (instead of just wrapping it in an…
I mean PW to be fair does a much better job at digging into Geopolitics and philosophy. From everything I’ve heard at least.
Pachinko. I'm sure they are working on Metal Gear Pachinko.
“one of the best franchises in gaming history”
Is 200 players at one thing a big deal in Roblox? With their large player base that seems fairly small.
Yes, because it’s going to end up there largely in cash form as apposed to the humanitarian support those organizations have reported they will use it for and have a history of using similar funds for.