
States can't by definition be terrorist. They are a colonial apartheid regime committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Eh, seems fairly boilerplate for an old Japanese company to be honest.

I mean Nintendo living in thier own world has essentially lead to them having limited 3rd party support from large 3rd party developers. A relatively poor online scene for thier games (lots of bad net code and poor UI decisions (like a Splatoon phone app for voice communication)). And in general an eshop that lags

Is it really any worse than any other similar competitive scene? Or do we just hear more about it because people are more interested to watch Donkey Kong beat the shit out of Sonic than one of like 5 stock charachters beat the shit out of another.

Because it’s hard to balance for. I would say it has more to do with the general style of fighting game nintendo makes.

I don’t think it’s either.

I’m pretty sure that’s pretty in line with Miles as a character compared to Peter.

They use the Aaron Davis version and not Hobby, right?

I mean, Marvel historically doesn't seem to care about Easter eggs (Ultimate Spider-man has quite a few as do a few others). They likely only care if the characters actually interact with the story or are playable.

The comics Marvel put out say that Manhattan has around a dozen or so active at any time. And that the Avengers are always out (Avengers Tower is in the game).

Being that he is Puerto Rican, I would say the likely hood that at least some of his ancestors were Spanish, is fairly good. So I doubt 0% colonizer.

You and I both know they (the ones campaigning and working on the campaign) likely only give a shit because it’s politically advantageous to them.

It’s a misdemeanor. Would be harsher if that Comstock law they keep crowing about was actually enforced though.

Ironically enough, when that story takes place, Puritan society was more sex positive than most in the colonies. Not that it wasn’t backwards and regressive in tons of ways. But it was one of the few that let women divorce for husbands not fullfilling thier bed time obligations as it were.

Yes. Whoever saved, or at least distributed it; undoubtedly violated IP law.

You know they only didn't care because it was thier guy. If Hunter Biden had, they would be claiming Joe used his office to set it up.

They are bringing it up for 2 reasons. The hope that some democrats will decide not to vote for her and that some Republicans and centrists will be galvanized to vote against where otherwise they wouldn’t have turned out.

“If I put something behind a paywall, and you re-post it somewhere else, that’s theft.”

No, she fucking didn’t. She had it behind a paywall on a specific site, and other people re-uploaded it to other sites without her knowledge or permission. That’s called revenge porn, and it’s illegal.”

You clearly do not.”