
I mean only in ways that other laws have been found to acceptably do.

Seems pretty bizarre. Like my mechanic is allowed to say what he wants, but he isn’t legally allowed to knowingly lie to me about my car. Even if he thinks the E brake is fine and I don’t need the pedal break, he would be in a bit of trouble for setting that up. And he doesn’t even have specifirequirements. And

Eh, I would say he’s much more American Musolini. I also would enjoy his corpse being paraded through the streets as well.

Yes, because with insane housing costs; rising costs for basic necessities; inequality further expanding; and a shit ton of refugees and other migrants who are unhoused; all in the city I am mayor of. I too would be looking forward to a baby boom.

No sure what terroist state you think is getting unconditional support from our government. Palestine isn’t a state anymore than Guam is; and US aid to Palestine tends to be fairly specific and targeted.

Well whether I agree with what the most correct comparison is (which is what I was arguing), it doesn't change that the conditions are horrid and it's unconsciable to force people to live like that.

I didn’t say Hamas didn’t share in the blame. But I’m not going to agree that Isreal isn’t responsible for it’s actions causing an untinkable amount of collateral damage.


CNN did the same thing in their. Called her stabbing over a dozen but gave the nber for the child. I wonder if the number of stabs the mother recieved wasn’t as readily available when this article was written.

I mean, they aren’t wrong about what the root parts of the word mean though. Regardless of it being an anachronistic take on how the word was coined and used.

? That’s a very large mischaracterization of that article their Mr. Carlson. Glad to see after leaving Fox News you have found the time to share your bad takes with us here.

This story and the Talib one fall more under this site’s focus than a generalized one about the attack on Isreal or it’s response to it.

I mean the democrats are openly supporting it too. Support for Isreal isn't a bi-partisan issue. Both sides absolutely go nuts when anyone says maybe we shouldn't unconditionally support an apartheid state.

Not an unrealistic or bad take. Though I would say the apparent ignoring of intel of an impending attack is closer to 9/11. To my knowledge the US didn’t have as much info that something was going to happen with the Tet offensive. But we absolutely knew Al Queida was attempting to get a major attack on the US off the

I mean most conservative outlets aren't that specific either.

Eh, mean historically people who left the reservation were heavily punished. And were large enough that building a fence or wall would have been inpractical.

What’s your point? That after cutting off resources for a week the IDF isn’t being used to stop the aid coming in? Or that Hamas only functions as a terrorist organization and not in other social functions such as resource support and the like? Couldn’t tell you much about what else Hamas does. Hezbola has out reach

I would generally say a nation state has more of a responsibility to midigate innocents being harmed than a terrorist group. Seems a lot of people don’t agree.

Would be harder to do if Isreal hadn’t immediately responded by committing a war crime on territory that they effectively control. Thus causing massive risk of life to innocent civilians through an increased lack of food, water, and utilities.

Of course Hamas is nowhere to be seen. They are a terrorist organization and currently (and pretty much since thier founding have been) fighting Isreal. It’s not like AL Quaida was going to show up anounce who they were and help hand out aid when the US gave it out.