
Well, not before the US stops blocking the UN from doing anything about it (I think the UK and France do occasionally as well).

Seems more similar to Reservations to me. Limited local control that can often immediately be put aside by the federal entity. Uphill fight for agreements made in the past. Lack of basic needs being met and a careless (at best) entity that makes it harder to meet them.

I doubt Russia has much to do with it. They need Iran’s support (equipment) and Iran potentially being pulled into a more active conflict with Isreal is only going to hurt that.

Not really complete bullshit. But this isn’t really being used currently to take works these actors wanted to do. I assume the pay is better than what can be made on cameo for the amount of effort. And if they were smart, the licensing deal likely has an end date where they need to respond.

I mean, you know if they would endorse something like FTX for the cash, they will sell or lease likeness rights away.

Preferably a less crappy version or just a better game. The original really hasn’t aged well (game wise I mean; the story is fine).

First, what truth? Second, I’m having a great time. It’s why I’m still talking to you.

Same reason old games get remasters and remakes. Like most people aren't going to play the original FFVII for the first time in 2023 because it looks like trash and has outdated mechanics.

Looks less detailed to me (thier filtered version).

Right off the bat, Corridor Digital’s suggestion that games with hyper-realistic-looking characters are more likely to elicit a strong emotional connection with players is wildly false. Elster from the 2022 survival horror game Signalis, for instance, is hardly rendered in extreme detail, but she nonetheless prompted

More that NY has legal abortions. Where as a lot of the states I've heard similar stories from have laws that may penalize doctors if the woman miscarried due to the medication.

Isn't title IX solely an educational law? I thought this would be covered under a different one.

To be honest, until I got to the parts on HIPPA violation and fraud; I was most surprised that it happened in New York.

Likewise Ruski. 😜

Yes, because if I was going to lie about being in a service I clearly wouldn’t have at least said that I killed people myself or was a combat veteran (which is a veteran who actually engaged in combat). But you don’t have to believe me. I’m just a rando on the internet, and my 2ish years of service are hardly all that

I don't. We would have gotten one Kirby 9/11 and a lot of shiting on the artist. Instead we get a huge diversity of images.

as only humans make art”

To be fair, I served in the military and helped kill people. So not really just a behind the keyboard thing.

Eh, keep giving them the money I say. We’ve gotten more data on Russian capabilities from them than our spying had in years (we seemed to believe their bluster about capabilities).

Trial by combat hasn’t been a thing since like the 13th Century. At which point even French Catholics started to think it had more to do with who was better at violence as opposed to showing the truth (the belief being that God would make sure the guilty lost and the innocent won).