“The day before the court overturned Roe, it released an opinion in a huge gun case written by Justice Clarence Thomas which basically said that restrictions on gun ownership are unconstitutional if they didn’t have a historical analog.”
“The day before the court overturned Roe, it released an opinion in a huge gun case written by Justice Clarence Thomas which basically said that restrictions on gun ownership are unconstitutional if they didn’t have a historical analog.”
I mean, she likely can deduct it from her taxes as a buisness expense.
I don’t like her views on climate (she agrees it’s an issue but has been more reserved about tackling it than a number of her much more vocally engaged constituents, and often dismissive of them). I also don’t like her entichment while in office (she is hardly the only one, but is generally at the top of lists of it).
“I’ve hip-fired a 50 cal while walking” Bets on lieing or bragging about doing a dumb thing? Like what kind of 50 cal gun? A pistol seems like a poor choice given the position that your hand would have to be. And regardless a non-automatic weapon loses accuracy with no kind of benefit.
Smartest thing I’ve seen out of that family. She may be an ass, but it's just smart to get what she can for herself and her son. The whole Marla and Tiffany thing clearly shows Trump wasn’t going to otherwise.
I mean, a lot of them seem to forget some of the things he did that were less popular with conservatives (like his handling of immigration).
Cool. Now If Pelosi and McConnell can drop dead too, I'll break out some party poppers.
To be fair, if you worked at games stop you probably shouldbhave already. The company has been becoming a worse and worse place to work for years (not that it was ever particularly great to work at mind you).
? Not sure where you are getting that idea.
On the one hand, Annette takes to much time away from the video game characters (at least by what I have seen so far at the halfway mark). On the other hand she’s easily one of the more interesting characters. The notes to the Hatian revolution and French Slave and biracial (I forget what the colonial term was)…
Thanks for the info.
I’m just not all that familiar with what is a Muslim religious practice vs what is a cultural practice to a community of Muslims. I know circumcision was common in a number of parts of Africa (which is were a fairly large portion of Muslims live) for instance prior to Islam, but no clue what Islam’s requirements are…
Maybe if she plans to loose and become a talking head. But otherwise, I don’t see her leaving the party unless they stop funding her.
I mean it isn’t one politician stopping this. It’s one supposedly pro-choice Democrat and all ( I assume) of the Republican ones.
Those aren't the best ones. Clearly. :p
I mean, I always think health concerns should trump religious concerns for minors (I don’t particularly care what willing adults do). Same as my view with Jehova’s Witnesses (no blood transfusions), Christian Scientists (often fairly anti-medicine in general), Scientologists (anti-psychiatric care), and those cooks…
I said farms and family businesses as 2 seperate things. That’s farm labor in general has historically had more permissive child labor laws. Quite common in the migrant worker community.
Thw article is about an anti-circumcision protestor getting kicked out of a Pink concert. So the focus on dicks, is fairly on point. Compared to the usual.
Why would you assume a random American would associate circumcision with Jewish folks. Most of them don't even know why it's a common practice in the US, let alone know about the cultural practices of the Jewish community.
I mean, you could always bath regularly and properly clean yourself.