I’m reminded of the dashcam video of that Russian meteor a while back, in that I’m so amazed at the lack of profanity streaming from these people’s mouths.
As much as I want to visit Australia that’s how I’d probably drive too. It’s a scientific fact that everything in Australia wants to kill humans. The deadliest spiders, the deadliest snakes, deadly jelly fish (box, irukandji, etc.), crocodiles (fresh and salt water), their rivers are loaded with bull sharks, and even…
Americans drift Mustangs,
No Mr. Bond, we expect you to die!
that old Detroit steel with an acre of overhang was perfect for delivering bodies out to the NJ Pine Barrens. Couple of wise guys could easily fit 3 un-wise guys along with all the tools to make them gone.
Adequate trunk space for the more demanding mafia families.
That trunk would hold 8 to 10 dead bodies for sure....
This has always been my favorite class to watch and represents 90% of my reason for pilgrimage to the Limerock Historics every year.
I suddenly have the need for an ESSENCE gauge in my car.
There’s something missing from the video… I just can’t decide if it’s “Yakkity Sax” on the soundtrack or Dave Willock on the voice-over…
Contrary to what the pundits like to say, the entire budget of the United States is discretionary - “mandatory” spending is just propaganda to convince the ill-informed that their social security and Medicare is somehow guaranteed and unassailable for all time. When you include everything, you find that military…
I regret I have but one star to give you.
Holy cow Tyler! This comment section is just just outstanding.
The only true tragedy here is that racists will use these isolated incidents of workplace violence to justify hate for islam! As progressive liberal atheists who advocate for women’s and LGBT (well, #fauxdvocate, close enough) rights and bravely tell christians to go fuck themselves we of course have deep innate…
You mean when Christianity defended itself from Muslim invasion the first time?
You need me to explain to you what Kool-Aid does to your teeth and prove it too?