
Ooh, poor Justin, he so dislikes the doors on this concept car. Could it be that is because it doesn’t have the ‘Tesla’ badge? I seem to recall that car being hailed, even for the ‘falcon’ doors.

Yesterday and after Abdelsalami’s capture, I mentioned how, in my country, there have been cheers and celebrations for the attacks, just like for 9/11. Local politicians and social workers have claimed that this isn’t true. But if it were true, it was our own fault for not doing enough to ‘include’ and ‘integrate’

On 9/11, in Amsterdam-West, where I used to live, there were actual cheers on the streets. So, this is nothing new here. As for a difference between muslims in the EU and US, I personally, don’t think so.

Not only did you Gawker correctly, you also echoed every liberal, SJW and politician currently trying to ‘spin’ this in such a way as not to implicate a certain religion of -piece- peace and its followers.

Now playing

And once again, another uneducated idiot is exposed by their own ignorance. -Cartman- ... Excuse me, ‘Respect my Authoritah’, please educate yourself on what the term ‘racist’ actually means.

Well, I doubt it will be soon. After all, Germany is pushing for censure and sanctions against the Eastern European members of the EU, who don’t agree with the refugee policy. It’s like addicts, so long as they don’t acknowledge that they have a problem, you can’t begin to help them. The politicians SEE no problem,

That is true, but only a part of it. There are many other reasons why those groups are surging forward. However, relevant to this discussion, is the whole idea of this ‘creature’ being able to stay undetected in a single neighbourhood, for four whole months, while the police did multiple searches of said

Well spoken, Siconik. Politicians bend over backwards to not ‘offend’ islam. Most recently, after the NYE’s attacks, Cologne’s mayor, a woman, told women to ‘adhere to a code of conduct’, basically saying that it’s the women’s fault if they’re attacked. Didn’t feminists expound on how it is NOT the woman’s fault?

I’ve stopped being PC a long time ago, boxcarbob. We have a saying, ‘Soft healers beget stinking wounds’. The recent spate of sexual assaults on underage girls in European swimming pools, perpetrated by refugee males? The ones that prompted several pools to forbid entrance to them? Here, in the Netherlands we’ve had

I’m assuming you live in England? Or somewhere else in Europe? If you are, then I’m guessing in some part of said European country where the ratio of muslims of any stripe can be counted on one hand? Otherwise, you’d not be so blasè and ignorant in your comment.

And we have a winner!! Do remember that Q has always admonished 007 that he should be more careful with his equipment, especially the vehicles. After all, they DO work for the Crown and as such, every expense has to be administered in triplicate. Astons are quite expensive and losing one.. The only Crown service more

Apparently, Dealio is a TV producer, who has worked mainly on Dancing with the Stars. Maybe he was doing field research for a new reality show about street racing?

*Maniacal laughter*

Ask and ye shall receive.....

Nadz wants to make them double-wide illegal. That’ll teach those pesky criminals. Like it does here in the Netherlands, where we have gun laws so draconian, it makes the anti-gun lobby in the US teary-eyed with glee. One problem with that, it doesn’t work that way. Here is an article about another assassination in my

Now, now Flavien. Calm yourself. Maybe you know another country called Switzerland, but here, take a tissue to wipe off the spittle you’re producing.

I am quite intrigued. This re-make seems to be a cut above most other re-makes. Not only is it period-correct, unlike most re-makes, it looks to be quite close to the actual TV show in its tone. At least, the tone of the first season. I’m looking forward to seeing this.

I’ll admit, the first few lines sounded quite familiar but I couldn’t place it, until I got to the last line. Then, I started boisterously laughing as I finally replayed the whole monologue Jezza’s voice.

You tell him, hydroxide! Criminals don’t bother getting guns, here in Europe because they can be arrested for obtaining them.

I live in one of the European countries. And here is the thing. You cannot compare the whole of Europe to the US. One is a continent consisting of various ‘independent’ nations, the other, a continent of semi-autonomous states, all part of a single entity. In the US, most places are empty, huge swathes of land without