Malaria Man

I guess you can say he was 'Big' in Japan....

The website's domain name is '3reich'...

Oh, the horrendous possiblities. Ughuhuh.... 'fanfiction'!

Is there a Mel Brooks edition to any of this stuff, or is it just straight up pandering to those with more...

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I really despise Nazi's, but I am strangely interested in these figurines...

I WANT 'THE END' SO BAD! I don't even care! He can sleep all day! BUT THAT DESIGN! GODLY!

So... BLOPS2 is gonna be more 'Closer' to a 'Santified' version of MW3, 'Just Like You Imagined'. Though, after the actual MW3, I feel 'Somewhat Damaged', but I guess 'We're in This Together'...

You forgot the *pops* and *flickers*...

Not unless it's all a hullicination and one of the guns is cursed...

Did you read my reply to the other guy who commented? Cause, that's almost word for word what I said could have been the situation... WIERD!

I do play for the sake of playing. Having fun and enjoying myself is why I play and am in the business of game development; but as a hardcore gamer for my whole life, I enjoy a challenge in difficulty more than collection, and unfortunately, the challenge in MP3 comes from the grind. I want to get 100% so I can have

Not in the least, but in my experience; people of that particular fitness tend to be in love with themselves and more in line with using it as a cover to get what they want as opposed to being humble and just trying to maintain their bulk.

My gripe is that in order to complete the story and challenges 100%, you have to play start to finish through it no less then 6 times!

OH GOD! Will we ever stop talking about Paul Christoforo? JESUS! Then again, this is another funny thing to add onto the 'Christoforo' look-alike category. Hopefully this guys not a complete douchebag like Paul is...

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The animators and writers were originally from MTV's cartoon studio and were fired, which is why there is so much hate towards it in XLR...

Just like the real world equivalent, it's as easy as pushing a button too! Ah, Chicago politics...

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At some point MTV switched over from 'Music Tele-Vision' to 'Musical Transition Videos'...

And bloom. Way, WAY too much bloomage...

It's what happens with a guys who's straight frank about everything.