Malaria Man

Yeah, but no one's ever accused RE of being witty... or intelligent for that matter!

Maybe... but this is 'NEW' Capcom we're talking about. All their funny and wierd (and sometimes intelligent) dialogue stopped back on the PS2...

Now, he doesn't HAVE to... we just WANT him too... It's not quite Metal Gear without him.

I guess it all comes down to technical specs or...

I already know. But you know what? That's okay, because in the extended universe... we get Don Cheadle as Captain Planet!

I don't know but...

I wonder if the iPhone rules apply... LOL!

Those are alot of good titles to look forward to, but...


I was wondering why the color palette, scheem and design all looked so familiar... IT'S BECAUSE IT IS!

It was suppose to be the year when everyone's about to tote the next generation of consoles, but seeing as Nintendo beat everyone to the punch and the abysmal and lackluster showing it got, everyone else buckled down and said 'Lets ride this bitch out!'

Actually, it is, because there isn't a stupid transaction/conversion rate to it...

I follow him around alot and try to bring a middle ground look at things. He's mostly angry at shady business models and companies passing up generally neat and cool ideas over what'll make money.

So... more streaming content on demand? Can we also get this to work with computers and bypass the capture card filter as well, cause that'd be neat.

Double post...

It's not all worthless, I mean, this generation does need it's Rambo...

Dude Huge indeed.

Not directly, but the whole Epic vs. Silicon Knight trial ended with Epic winning quite a bit from Knights...