Malaria Man

So... am I wrong in assuming that Epic essential just went ahead and said "Hey Silicon Knights, you guys are asshats for that whole court case crap. So, you know, instead of taking all your money and placing into our pockets, we're going to put it into a company that has no money and has proven they care more about

You don't...

Well, that honestly surprised me...

Most racing games should at least have the cel-shading features... so beautiful!

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Really? A 'Tommy Boy' reference? Now I wish it was in the actual movie!

Bulk for retailers is usually 5-15 dollars off every unit, so even places like Amazon aren't taking THAT hard of a hit. But still, your right, there is no current incentive for console makers to be competitive with price because the only other people they're competing with financially is other console makers. If

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Man, this has to be like the 5th time I used this clip to illustrate just how basic computers were... BACK IN 1994!

Download codes are one kind of alternative for downloadable games. It's sort of an indirect seller that has no real value outside of its redeemable download. Technically it's outside of the whole marketplace and grind...

I didn't know that...

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Actually, I think it went closer to this...

Nobody's gonna buy this...

That... doesn't really prove me wrong, if anything it just clarifies what I said.

Context. How I'm feeling about this...

No, there's not which is confusing me as I wanted it, but also not? I'm flustered!

Vacuum of space still has a temperature relative to how close to a star you are. Drop below that temp, and now you have a problem...

I'm still conflicted with how I feel about this. On the one hand I'm depressed because they said there wasn''t going to be any dlc and that the game was complete and now there is, but on the the other... THERE'S DLC and it looks awesome and doesn't conflict or inhibit what was an awesome game!

On the Wii or Wii U?

However, that again only applies to first party, as the console would also need to sell 3rd party software through themselves as well. See where I'm going?

I think choosing not to go the digital only route was the correct decision on Sony's part. Not just for people without internet support or a lack of physical media to save and hang onto for value.

Only through first party support.