
Needs more stars.

That headline is the most 1980's thing I’ve heard in years.

I used to fly a lot. Really a lot. Still fly occasionally.

A few times. Once or twice to 911 for a wrong-way-on-the-highway level driver.

I don’t recall the exact numbers, but the whole thing dropped it just over 20 points according to the bank loan officer (I’ve worked with her for years on work related things; not a stranger), pushing her credit score down enough. I believe it was the combination of a hard credit check days before the bank’s check as

You want it a chunk higher than 740. Here’s why:

Wine by the glass is a much better deal than by the bottle... if I only want one glass, which is 99% of the time when I’m having a dinner out. If I bought a bottle, most would go to waste.

I highly suggest any of the Frank Muller narrations. He’s really amazing once you get into his rhythm.

Even traditional engine cars are making fake vrooms. A friend just bought a $70,000 BMW and the engine noise comes out of the speakers when you gun it. It’s obnoxious. He was embarrassed when I pointed it out, too.

My commute is never the issue. It’s the “Hey, I want to go to (insert place here) and it’s 250 miles away that is the issue that’s kept me from a full EV. I’ll get one sooner or later. Sooner as a 3rd car, later as a replacement for a current vehicle... meaning, once the range is 400+ or they have readily available

A prius if I had to go far. A Wrangler if I had to go short. A diesel if I had to use it after about a year.

I think it’s reasonable that a low/no-profit site would run on drives like that. They were probably in a generic/home built SCSI SAN/NAS array. You could assemble the whole thing for a few hundred bucks and have enough room for the site, no problem.

You really think so? There are millions of people that’d vote for him no matter what. I think it’s insane, but I think he’ll win again.  


I feel like this video is for people who also carefully unwrap their presents so they can use the paper again.

And the same types of people that said the planet wasn’t warming in the 90's (and were proven wrong), who then shifted to “but people aren’t causing it” in the early 2000's (and then were proven wrong) and are now shifting to “it’s not a big deal, the planet can take it”... are also saying things like “don’t believe

If Amazon wants to profit by third party sales then it needs to staff itself to ensure the sales are following regulations, including safety and IP/knock-offs (which are often far inferior).

This is likely the only ASL I will forever remember. Which kinda makes me feel sad.

Hah, I thought he was talking about the NA vs ND Miatas. Makes a lot more sense, now.

How is middle ground between two roadsters (2 seater, rear wheel drive, convertible)... a four seater FWD with a fixed hard roof?