
In SteamVR, I feel like every time I scroll around looking for games, the lists are filled with adult stuff. I’ve never browsed, let alone purchased, anything like that from Steam... I’m guessing a lot of the best sellers are sex-oriented.

I have a Jeep Wrangler and everything works fine on it.  For the life of me, I can’t figure it out.  Mechanics I talked to are stumped as well.  It’s been like this for years.

Knight Rider theme song

Man, I hate it when I’m sitting there with my blinker on and car after car just drives by without letting me in.

Have you flown international much?  All three, which I’ve used, are leaps and bounds better than many airports in the world.  

People need to be accountable for decisions like this.  Maybe not fired, but probably demoted and certainly put on some kind of probation.  And maybe fired.  

The one line that really resonates:

Those kill switches can also be a low-cost anti-theft device, depending on how you do it.

Wow, and from watching the car spin around, I realize... it surely must be him!

A surprisingly large chunk of the population has left/right issues. I talked to my doctor about it when I hit 35 or so and bluntly said “why the hell is this an issue for me?”.. he asked it’s common and if I had googled it. So I did. And wow, yeah. It’s a real thing for lots of us.


Damn. I mean, I was about to buy a Ferrari but then saw someone had shoes on one. Now I’m buying a Lamborghini instead. You’ll have to take your shoes off to even sit in it.

I think this is exactly what he’s talking about. A fully self driving car, if legal in a given state, will be an income source by itself and thus will likely be more valuable.

I was with you right up until the “night in jail”  

PA is terrible for a lot of Jeep mods as they tube doors and several other things as driving doorless (which is illegal there, as well as exactly zero other states). They do enforce it.

Reader’s Digest is a kinder, gentler distillation of Fox News paranoia.

Yes, I hope people can rise to the occasion and not be fucking cowards when dealing with this. The GOP is so transparently disgusting in how it has molded around Trump in hopes of bootlicking to stay in office.

C level executive in a large law firm.  The work I do is ridiculous and shallow...

There’s a store near my office that does this shit. Every day there’s a portable NO PARKING, “BOBS CLOTHING ONLY” or whatever their name is. Super busy street, limited parking. They take it in when they close for the day.

Weren’t her parents standing right there during filming?  I’d be interested in their take.