
I’d be interested in it if it was about 7K less expensive and if there were some good storage options.. but with all the texting and driving going on, I’m likely to hang up my helmet.

I think I’d vote for you.

I’m a motorcyclist and I support the idea of lane splitting. Roads in the north east are often too narrow, as they currently stand, to do it.  

I had this happen a few times.

Bullshit. GH registers domains and fully impersonate the site. In some cases, right down to the logo and photos. Should every owner have to buy ever possible permutation of their restaurant/city/state name?

The family said he was drunk and driving when they called the cops.

My um.. kid is a 40-something male, falls asleep easily but wakes up and stays awake for hours sometimes. Often thinking about random crap (not even necessarily stressful stuff), sleeps very lightly. White noise generator helped but still awakes to random house noises.

Damn jackasses in their expensive vehicles taking up multiple spots.  I hope someone keys them.

I have an S2000 and had been idly thinking about picking up an S600, just for kicks.. Really glad I read this - learned a bit about what it’s like driving one and confirmed that at 6'3, I’d look like a gorilla on a tricycle driving IN one.

For once, I want a company to loudly lay off people.

Favorite Old Cut moment: Guy cuts the V. Cuts himself. Bleeds into my Tuna sub. I see the moment of recognition on his face when he realizes that he’s cut himself and bled into my sandwich... which he continues making. I actually said the words, “Would you mind making me a sandwich without your blood in it?”

That it’s possible for beer to taste good.

This is magical and I never wanted it to end.

LOL. Mod.

But if everyone thought this way, we’d be arguing about whether taupe is a better interior choice than cream.  Because that’s about all we’d have left.

The sheer number of stories of terrible crap coming out of Dallas is crazy.

Boring car colors are everywhere. Interesting car colors... keep it interesting.

Could you link what you’re using as a source for this?

Minnie Pearl with pricetags on her hats.

He called in a bomb threat on one of my closest friends when she wouldn’t talk to him during a train ride. Fortunately, the staff had been keeping an eye on him and she had previously been chatting with a couple of them so nothing at all came of it (for her) other than screwing up her day.