
What’s your inseam? I’m 6'3 (actually 6'3, not trying-to-pick-up-girls 6'3), around 210, mostly not fat, 34" inseam. I think most people who are 6' could fit, while most who are 6'4, could not... but I’ve seen posts on either end of those that surprised me.

#1 Blue Origin just laid off 10% of it’s staff, nationwide.

Anxiously awaiting an R3X! Talk about whimsy...

I just can’t stomach a 70K car. I’m close to that comp, my net worth is a chunk higher if you count the value of my house (divorce 10 years ago hammered my funds), and I am driving a 12 year old Jeep, an 18 year old honda (2006 S2000). The Jeep is about to hit 100K and probably needs to be replaced.... and I’m

I’m already there for not a lot of money, I guess. I wouldn’t mind swapping one, probably the Audi, for a commuter appliance, but damn is it nice on long trips.

I bought a 2011 R1200RT and put 4,400 miles on it in one year, almost all of it on one single trip, so 1,500 miles on one trip is not hard to do.

It’s a Loop-Loc mesh cover. They used to advertise with an elephant standing on one.

Wish your dealership was local. Wait, are you local? Anywhere near CT?

The guy was also in handcuffs, in the car when this happened. 

The 2007 Prius visor mirror light. Had three different ways to turn it off. Slide lid shut, flip the visor up, or flip the on/off switch. Three switches, one light.

LOL Screw that one about not getting back in your car.

“20+ Mile Range” 

I definitely agree with other parts of your post, but question this:

Gen Xer and I daily either a Wrangler or an S2000. Wrangler is automatic, partly because the S2000 has spoiled me. The few other manuals I’ve drive felt terrible compared to it. It’s just such a smooth experience.

I bought an unlimited lifetime account years ago. This makes me want to support them further.


While I also hate the two party system and feel that the dems are pretty f’d up, saying “there’s really very little actual difference” is dangerous and doing a massive disservice to the rule of law.

I’m in a senior IT position in the legal industry and whenever a venture capital or private equity firm buys something, the products tank within two years. Consistently. Their formula is simple: Buy a product (usually a subscription based cloud service), force sales people to maximize subscription counts by any means,

Pontiac Aztec, now hear me out.

I was a kid when this came out and spend a stupid amount of money in it. I enjoyed the more traditional Tron game (except those spiders) but Discs was my thing.