It’s a PITA to coordinate and play with friends and randos if you are on different distribution platforms.
It’s a PITA to coordinate and play with friends and randos if you are on different distribution platforms.
S2000. Find an S2000 in the price range - can easily be done and will be a hell of a lot more fun to drive that the other suggestions, unless you enjoy holding teacups with your pinkies extended, leaving oil spots wherever you go, or not being able to hit speed limits.
I was thinking about this a month or three ago and came up with an evolving plan that included these elements:
Not in exactly the same vein, but I have Lance Henriksen’s personal script from Millennium Season 1, Episode 1. It has a -ton- of handwritten notes, doodles and the like. Bought it from a charity auction a long time ago.
Jalopnik has a merch store. Who knew!
TIL there are still Monteros.
I have a friend, who I dearly love that is getting married in the fall. Multicultural and essentially two weddings back to back so both families are satisfied. It’s something like ten hours long. My head hurts thinking about it.
Just curious - do you think they’re supposed to humanely relocate them? To where?
Should be charged with reckless endangerment (unless it’s a mustang after C&C, then it’s probably not wreckless)
Screw drop box. Their business model is so shady.
I love live music and the most entertained I’ve ever been at a concert was her random antics in a Boston Dresden Dolls concert a couple years ago. From the pre-show band marching around playing Star Wars Cantina to a sudden amazing multi group playing of Killing in the Name Of... wooo!
Not in the same ballpark, but TMobile once gave me a pre-release Blackberry, cloned to my number, with unlimited everything (this was before companies had even the old unlimited plans). I had it for two years of daily use before I made an offhand comment and my Tmobile contact realized what was going on. They told me…
I just don’t think I could play a game where the goal is to rescue or protect the POTUS at the moment. Go back through various action movies and picture Trump in there. I’m not even saying if you love or hate the guy. Just imagine trying to rescue him and how he’d behave/react.
I use a high-point generating Amex and wait until they sell Home Depot gift cards for 30% off (point cost), then cash them all in. It’s not great but since I put my whole life on that Amex, it equals a few thousand a year in Home Depot cards.
I want one of these but it needs to connect to a RAM mount. Would buy immediately if it did.
I want one of these but it needs to connect to a RAM mount. Would buy immediately if it did.
You can find them in driver condition for much more amounts. Still pricey, but it’s because it was the childhood dream car for so many people...
Well. You finally crossed over. Now you’re trying to Be One With The Rust.
Not saying you’re right or wrong, but google date searching is notoriously inaccurate.
My divorce.
It’s OK, it’s ok.