
This explains a lot about her wardrobe issues. Clearly, she was not made for clothes. Look at her ! Wowie Zowie! For reals!

I'm digging her playful expressions. Fully nude with sheer joy across her face, instead of her typical fuck-me-face she makes in photos (or she is told to make - I don't know who is in charge).

I think she look really hot. She looks happy. And the shaming about her posing nude because *gasp*!!! she is a mother, makes me sad. She looks good. And oily.

She looks...better.

I hope that the Christians in Syria stay safe. I really hope that if Assad is ousted the new regime is moderate and not extremist muslim.

I checked out the site. So glad they are safe, at least for now.

The fact that the Chinese blocked mention of this on the Internet is one of the FUNNIEST things I have ever heard in my life.
"You come into my home and be courteous to my wife? NO ONE MUST KNOW!"

I do that because I will be damned if I'm going to let floppy clothing make me look thicker.

I just want to know where to get the leotard.


Next you're gonna be telling me she isn't actually Dr. Zoidberg!

How many Beyonce and Rhihana articles can jezebel post in 1 day? Let's find out!

"Look at how much money I have to waste on weird, meaningless gestures"?

For all its problems, South Park does nail it from time to time... :)

You know what? Fine. Keep childless adults away from your stupid park. I'll start my own Falconry center in my apartment. There'll be a petting zoo and....

I love how British people become MORE British sounding when they're indignant.

Mmmph? This isn't a jungle gym though, with zero of interest to adults in it; it's a self-proclaimed "adventure park," and I agree with Grandpa that stuff like falcons will appeal to people of all sorts of age groups.

What? Hold on a second. I've been to Disneyland and Tokyo Disneysea, Universal Studios and Knotts Berry Farm by myself as I generally travel solo and love theme parks a bit obsessively. If I was denied entry purely on my single status I would be pretty pissed too.