Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

Normal country. Very normal country.

Depressingly accurate.

Holy shit. On one hand, I’m sorry to hear that. On the other, you have people voluntarily getting out of your way when you’re carrying groceries or pushing their children, who always impede progress, out of your way.

Equality = Bad; Help Poor = Bad; Free Healthcare = Bad

Fun little story:
I was visiting England with my older brother when I was about 10-11 years old. My uncle took us to a local soccer match because it was the Indian National Team (We’re indians, by way of America. Brother was born in India but my folks moved when he was 6mo. to Saudi Arabia (Whole other can of worms.

Make no mistake, the people that still love Trump love the stupid, simplistic, “don’t think too much” take he brings to everything. It’s part of his appeal. Nevermind that socialism is social security, income taxes, fire departments, schools, roads, bridges. Nevermind that minimum wage laws are socialism, as are labor


As much as I enjoyed living in Sevilla, I was constantly grossed out by the things Spaniards would say about “other races,” Spaniards of course being a race apart and above all others. The “jokes” I heard sounded like they came from a 1920s “comedy” performance. I had to remind myself that their most resilient

I’m not from the Bahamas, but I do have a place in Turks and Caicos. I went down there before the storm to get everything buttoned up, so everything is fine as far as my place is concerned. But what you say is true. Trump & Co could not care any less about the Bahamas or Turks and Caicos. I tried to find a way to get

Rudy Giuliani looks forward to 9-11 like Jason Voorhees does Friday the 13th.

Haha, I think you are right.  This could also be a comedy of sorts.  I’m thinking Rita Wilson plays Beach, and Kirsten Dunst plays Calloway.  100% would watch.  

The Baby Boomer Generation That Never Dies... That would make a good horror movie, oh wait it’s reality.

“I’m one of those centrists whose discomfort is intertwined with delusion, whose mild displeasure at real wrongs is corrupted by my existential smugness about my position in life and mediocrity.”

The alt-right is the “alt-right” because calling yourself “nazi” or “fascist” is (rightly) placing yourself in bad company. TL;DR: They’re cowards

I blame willful ignoramuses that ignore scientific fact for just about every ill in this nation.

Trump fans love his constant grievances and profound emotional immaturity because they see themselves in him.

and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”

She was the driving force. She offered the bribe to get out of the arrest and immediately exploited the facts to bring a $50 million lawsuit.