Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

Agreed. That’s a very weird, and by weird I mean wrong, criticism. 

I get strong young Brett Kavanaugh vibes from the larval prick.

Uncounted Trump voters and Covid-19, probably.

His expression is that of a Vulcan recounting dealings with the Bugs Bunny Tasmanian Devil.

I bet many QAnon people are pedophiles. Just saying.

Perhaps tomorrow he will go on a respirator. To personally experience what others have had to endure, of course.

If it was a hoax, the army of functionaries all around him who secretly loathe him, the deep state if you will, will certainly leak it.

Evidently, a less-stable genius.

She won’t be skinny forever!

“Conservative feminists”are like the Loch Ness Monster, if you get near enough they always seem to turn out to be something else. Like a light refracted log, a turtle procession or self-hating bigot or something. Though I suppose such theoretically possible exoticisms may exist alongside knowledgeable libertarians


but being between the first African American Man As President and First African American Woman as Vice President/possible President and he is little more than a vacuous, hateful blip.

Lol, what’s up Trump.

Blue Igloo is a thread-barest ‘play-on-words’ reference to Boogaloo, a far right slang term for the second civil war, a sort of redneck singularity they hope will throw America back to a stupider time. It’s used by everyone from Timothy McVeigh worshiping traitorous militias to inbred white supremacist. This ADL link

This is from just his first page of past comments:

No big deal. The Venn diagram of people who don’t believe the WHO now and people suspicious of ‘liberal science’ looks like a circle. One that plans on voting for Trump again.

Where are you getting this stuff? Here in Spain my girlfriend suffered a knee injury that required surgery. In the entire year of treatment, physical rehab and followup, she only met with medical providers. There is no DMV-like bureaucracy one is forced to deal with. 

Never mind, not worth it, carry on.

It seems they may have skipped the article, which is an unadulterated compendium of downsides.

Republicans have their shortcomings