Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

I live in Barcelona (black, dual national US/Bahamas). Sometime ago, around 2010-11, a black American friend/former uni roommate, who also lived here for a time because of work, was strolling along the sea in Barceloneta. Literally hundreds, if not thousands, it being summer, of foreign tourists strolling all around

44. President B.H. Obama.

Exotic islands like Switzerland and France.

Yup, and the crashing fireball as Lady Trieu and the couple are finalizing their transaction could be Ozy making his catapult-assisted escape.

Picking on this letter feels not so much like aiming for low-hanging fruit as stamping on ones lying rotting on the ground. Gratuitous, only much, much stronger.

He’s not rich, yet. 

Note the narcissistic concern for everyone harmed or killed by Ukraine’s rampant corruption:

Accordingly, if she’d killed a two-year-old she would be out in no time.

Protecting (himself) & Serving (them bullets).

Protecting (himself) & Serving (them bullets).

Abso-fucking-lutely. The Trump name, however this finally turns out (presumably, w/ impeachment, no removal, though who knows?!?!), will be synonymous with traitorous garbage.

And keep in mind, this was the very next day after Mueller’s House testimony. Apparently, Trump took that entire fiasco as an all-clear signal to continue rigging the game. If he gets away unscathed this time too, I almost wouldn’t blame him if he calls off the 2020 elections and dispatches SWAT teams to his critic’s

Yeah, at this point I couldn’t give a fuck about their feelings.


Currently, I’m living in Spain, and have had to recalibrate myself to surprising levels of racism. Not everyone of course, but to someone from NYC and the Bahamas, it is crudely in-your-face and sadly ubiquitous. Literally, in Barcelona, people considerably poorer than myself flee across the street when I’m carrying ho

Currently, I’m living in Spain, and have had to recalibrate myself to surprising levels of racism. Not everyone of course, but to someone from NYC and the Bahamas, it is crudely in-your-face and sadly ubiquitous. Literally, in Barcelona, people considerably poorer than myself flee across the street when I’m carrying ho

I wonder though, might there be a way to harness the awesome power of the hurricane?

Speaking of looks, in the top photo Melania looks like solid, dependable 1980's West German engineering. Trump looks like 1940's American work, devotedly maintained by poorly-equipped Havana cab drivers.

Speaking of looks, in the top photo Melania looks like solid, dependable 1980's West German engineering. Trump looks like 1940's American work, devotedly maintained by poorly-equipped Havana cab drivers.

I shudder to think what would’ve happened had Dorian struck New Providence and Nassau, where the majority of the population lives. The entire Caribbean is in danger of becoming a bowling alley at the mercy of category fives in the terrifyingly near future.