
This work was actually done at Cornell University (based on the linked article). The fibers were first created in collaboration with a group at UCLA. Jennifer Keane, a Cornell student studying fiber science and apparel design (FSAD), turned it into the garments shown above.

Probably true on an immediate scale, but the event Lite: an adventurer was referring to had minimal lasting direct impacts. In this case, the explosion was most likely in the atmosphere, so wasn't a strike per se. The direct local effect of a Tunguska like event, coupled with the possible lasting effects of the

There have been a number of posts about that in the comments section, and Giz reposted a graphic showing relative amounts of radiation exposure for everything ranging from sleeping next to a person through hanging out next to the reactor. They also explained a fair amount about how different nuclear reactors work,

Interesting that they chose to do an Android app first, with no iOS app announced. Speaks to the growing influence of Android, I suppose. I've been using the iPeng app with iOS...pretty good, although it has a few hiccups now and then.

A "beautiful style"

I have to agree with the Engadget comment...I tried it out after being frustrated with the new layout and site design (seems buggier to me), but realized that the comments are basically worthless. I have learned so much from Gizmodo comments. Engadget...seems like a bunch of high school kids yelling at each other.

Yay! My iPhone detected my brain tumor! iPhone caused my brain tumor? Dammit...

@reuthermonkey: Or even know the identity of the app-store approval person. While the risk of censorship is low, the inability to combat it is of considerable concern. These aren't people who are necessarily trained in publishing, let alone educational texts. While any decision point is a choke point, I have some

@PunkRockMachine: Have yourself a Mad Dog 20/20. Basically the same thing...gross artificial flavor, malt liquor, and cheap as hell! I recommend the anti-freeze looking flavor, Kiwi-Lemon.

@ps61318: True. However, when a large percentage of the comments on the page are to say that the researchers are essentially idiots, it seems appropriate to point out the problem. Perhaps, as suggested above, I could have been more succinct...RTFA?

@2 replies: @in otterman speramus: The article is open access. I recommend you read it before suggesting that well-respected paleontologists (no quotes) who published in one of our country's top scientific journals after peer review by leaders in the field neglected to think about dinosaur teeth and are confused

It really depends on what the test purports to demonstrate student achievement in. If it is a writing test, but other domains are being inadvertently tested as well, it affects the validity of the conclusions drawn from the test. The argument is really about whether a writing test should include spelling. Spelling

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: I think that perspective makes some sense. However, I suspect Apple would just keep pushing use of the 30 pin connector...why open up to USB now?

@Jakooboo runs on caffeine.: No judgment, but it is hilarious that there are e-ink purists already. Seems like just yesterday, the comment boards were filled with people slamming e-ink as paper book purists. What an amazing world...makes you excited to see what is coming next

Yeah, I know the feeling. I love a deal, and enjoy finding new places...however, I inevitably buy some Groupons for my usual places. You can make yourself feel better by bringing new people to the places when you use the Groupons, though. Exposure is what they want...if you bring a new face in, you both leave happy!

@philselmer: The only good advice I have seen in these comments. For the love of god, please do not Google it. Sometimes there is no going back.

@xsbs: My understanding is that the credit came later. It isn't in