
I agree on some points (e.g. links to the original study should always be included). However, studies like this do demonstrate that our current approach to screening new chemicals, biotechnology, etc. for safety is woefully inadequate. Additionally, I think you are unfair to the author, who clearly states:

Well...from the BBC article in the comments above:

As many have said, "be the change you wish to see!"

I suspect tyrellmojohnston is quite relaxed. The comment was more of a dig at professional blogging, where two points are inflated to take up an entire page (i.e. agreeing with you). The smiley face at the end is likely an (arguably insufficient) attempt to convey this.

I think this case already came out for Palm...

It may also be to prevent discouraging people with questionable criminal backgrounds from avoiding hospitals.

Okay Kobe - slow down. You may not like their actions or writing. You call them "absolute fags" and talk about being juvenile? We have a beautiful language with just short of 1 million words. Try finding another one to describe your dislike of LulzSec.

True, but it is still surprising that a chain of stores which sell computers, phones, tablets, and accessories to a small fraction of the population (and which can all be bought elsewhere) manages to bring in more people than the Disney parks annually. Wal-Mart sells everything in the world (including Apple Products)

Oh my lord...this is hilarious! "Is it a dangerous cheeseburger?" Pure gold...

Isn't that a general truth of many fashionable things? Sports cars, high heels, everything in the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog?

You suggest that people who want to recline their seat should purchase first class tickets, but it seems that you are not interested in purchasing first class for yourself. Perhaps you continue to fly, but just do so less frequently and in first class. Plenty of space for your knees...

This is why the short articles don't bother me. Scroll down, and and some kind commenter posts what should have been there. Good stuff.

Ahhhh...the trouble with blog readers. This exact problem happens quite often...most of us (me included) can't be bothered to go to the source (or compare with other postings). 2008 MacBook battery is still gets 1.5-2 hours with normal work use (although I do tend to turn the display brightness down a bit), and I charge/leave my computer plugged in almost everyday.

Of course, there are many different accents within each of those countries...someone from Newcastle can be barely intelligible from a Londoner.

Their website has much more information. If you can't find the answer to one of your questions, I'm sure you could email one of the graduate students as well.

An explosion of fun at the circus...thank you for an early morning chuckle.

Now that would be a hell of a downshift...

unicorn pube weave...surprisingly, that made my day.