Bieber Peen

Or an extension for your browser that asks “ARE YOU SURE? BECAUSE YOU SOUND KIND OF LIKE AN ASSHOLE.” before you press send.

As someone who’s married to a meteorologist, your last sentence made both of us spit out drinks. Thank you.

For real, good for Molly and fuck this hater ass couch jockey. How much of a salty stank monster do you have to be to fucking write a multi paragraph long email to a television studio because a woman didn’t meet your exacting standards of ******conservative****** in a dress and necklace that could be on a mannequin at

All I can really say is this commenter woman obviously has no idea how to dress for a “night out on the town” because the meteorologist is dressed perfectly for her job.

Nice chompers, mate.
See also:

Farage is the asshole of the world’s asshole. Have you heard what he said? He not only called this a victory, (whoo-fucking-hoo) but said that not one bullet was fired. As if Jo Cox was not assasinated. For her political views. He truly is despicable.

Upper Class Twit of the Year, for sure.

I love (in the stabby sense) the language of “sovereignty” and “autonomy” he uses to describe the newfound “independence” (of an imperial power, for fuck’s sake) everyone At Home is going to enjoy now they’re no longer under Europe’s thumb, diddums. Independence from cheap food and cheap holidays, from labor

I was reading the comments on some article the other day and a woman commented that if Bernie didn’t get the nom she would vote Green Party before she would vote for Hillary and another commenter took her to task saying you know, you and other Bernie supporters will be the reason Trump is elected if you all do that

you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...

And to not know that there are things you just don’t say, like the whole dancer thing. Pretty much short of an article about how a kid is getting a degree in dance and has a job as a busboy, you look racist as fuck no matter how well he moves.

Ms. Bell’s posting of concern for the African-American community

Bigots will always come up with new ways to be shitty.

It’s called Hope and it’s terrific. I keep it on my DVR for when something horrible happens in the news and I need to be reminded there are ways to get through it.

See also: “they shouldn’t have so many children” and “I don't want sex ed being taught in schools!"

Schrödinger’s Poor: simultaneously working too many menial jobs to properly raise their terrible children while also lazily living off of welfare.

The way she described him reminds me of my ex-mother in law ( member of the Daughters of the Confederacy) who would talk about how they had black people as servants and were so different from people today because they would always stop and call her “miss” and as she put it: “They were happy to work for a good family.”