Or an extension for your browser that asks “ARE YOU SURE? BECAUSE YOU SOUND KIND OF LIKE AN ASSHOLE.” before you press send.
As someone who’s married to a meteorologist, your last sentence made both of us spit out drinks. Thank you.
For real, good for Molly and fuck this hater ass couch jockey. How much of a salty stank monster do you have to be to fucking write a multi paragraph long email to a television studio because a woman didn’t meet your exacting standards of ******conservative****** in a dress and necklace that could be on a mannequin at…
All I can really say is this commenter woman obviously has no idea how to dress for a “night out on the town” because the meteorologist is dressed perfectly for her job.
That’s an impressive skill to be able to commune with a dead guy and know his opinion on current events.
So wait, you don’t live there, yet you are so absentmindedly concerned with the course that the British are taking, that you advocate for them bombing their own economy and taking the rest of the world’s markets with them?
I think that yes, there are people who want to exert immense control over their populations; some to draconian and criminal extents.
*Slow clap* for your trolling job...
So you just wantonly advocate the economic suicide of other countries? That makes you kind of an evil person.
Nice chompers, mate.
See also:
Ironic picture considering Churchill helped lay the foundations for the EU and wanted greater european unity, possibly even a “United States of Europe” (his words).
Farage is the asshole of the world’s asshole. Have you heard what he said? He not only called this a victory, (whoo-fucking-hoo) but said that not one bullet was fired. As if Jo Cox was not assasinated. For her political views. He truly is despicable.
Upper Class Twit of the Year, for sure.
As a British ex-pat living in the States, I wish to send a hearty fuck you to all of those bloody ignorant fools in the North that capitulated to their fear and bigotry, and voted to leave the EU. Thanks for fucking up everything, you giant great twits.
May fire consume you.
Already, everything you own is worth signifcantly less than it was yesterday. The cost of everything is going to have to go up. It’s hard enough being able to afford to live under a government who do nothing but reap taxes and give nothing back, claiming “austerity” bullshit, when all they want to do is break public…
This is basically true. The entire UKIP platform was run on half-facts and outright fabrications, and anti-immigrant, anti-foreigner animus, just like Trump’s. There are no economists who agreed that UKIP’s plan was good for the country, just like Trump.
Good luck trying to be relevant in 50 years’ time, when Scotland, Éire and even fucking Wales are a part of the EU and England is banging on the door, pleading to get in.
Pro wrestling is scripted in two senses. The first is, obviously, that match outcomes are predetermined, and that's…