
Maybe you should show us how it’s done:


F1's new media strategy isn’t exactly bold, but inviting the public to see the drivers as people and not just ubermenschen personalities is a move in the right direction. The drivers briefings really inform races too.

A source at Tesla has confirmed that’s strictly limited to the Model X, and taking a page from Apple’s playbook, the gaps are supposed to be there and consumers are just looking at them wrong.

You’d think with all the panel gaps, ventilation would be fantastic.

EXCELLENT! Horizontal video, good audio, clear video, great car.

This is Americas best foreign policy act so far.

There’s some monster in Austin that has a 1JZ with a massive turbo in one of these. He should get some sort of award.

Every Demon story just seems to upset everyone and I honestly don’t understand why. There is an automaker willing to sell something with 700+ hp from the factory. Who the F cares that its on an older Merc platform. What a useless piece of information.

There’s a joke here about Dodge finally giving up on build quality entirely and just giving you tools instead, but it’s just too damn obvious for me to make.

No attitude here. Like I said, if you aren’t intimately familiar with what goes into such an affair - it would be reasonable to assume that the preservation of everything at the plant, and the documentation, would be a big leg up towards restarting production. Even pencil pushers/decision makers have repeated that

“Beautiful, beautiful, perfect F-22s, it’s going to be great, really really great and perfect and Huugeee!”

“All this would make restarting the F-22 line much easier than similar restarts in the past.”

until you burn yourself on the exhaust.

Re the SAR helicopter, I can only imagine how pissed off Russia is right now.

I hope waterproof seats are an option.

It kind of looks like what would happen if Acura knew what it was doing with the ILX

You ruined the game. It’s perfect the way you posted.

We are here to stay!