
they could fix that with unequal length headers at the cost of some top end.

and those jeans look really tight to be a man. Someone should do a CSI zoom and enhance to generate magic pixels and see what's going on down there.

Hopefully we see new monitoring systems come to market soon. I feel that companies have little interesting in developing and getting approval for new products when they can just keep getting revenue from their current offerings.

They really like it when you put them in control of your priced possession. The problem arrives when they want to drive it all the time.

Haha...that happened to me. But then I did teach myself and she had the best instructor ever.

This used to be a daily task for me. I would always park pointing down hill or with enough room to push. People usually got a kick of seeing me start my truck.

Just get a manual car and you will have it down in a week. That's what I did when I got my first car and between the commute and a couple a practice trips it will start feeling natural immediately.

Just get one and you will have so much more fun driving. It goes from just sitting in a vehicle for transport to actually driving and feeling like you got something to do behind the wheel other than avoid cops, bad drivers and potholes.

If there were more manuals, the slinky effect of traffic jams would be greatly reduced. In an automatic everyone just jumps to the next car. Think how much better it would be if everyone was rolling in first.

It's a 1/4 mile burnout

Wow....I which I could play that game. I think it was towards the en of middle school. So much fun to drive around trying not do do anything too crazy to then just lose it. I remember the first timer I went to Chicago and was under the train I remembered this game and went on a few side trips to find some of the land

I am sorry for your experience and change of lifestyle that must have taken place due to it. I am facing a difficult situation myself and it gives me strength to hear the way you recall the story. It takes guts not be be consumed by anger. Wish you too the best.

I never realized how many stories have the same plot.

I don't I think I'll stick to my slow in and fast out to keep my cars out of the trees next time I am enjoying my favorite roads. Not a lot of room to go in hot trying to do some trail braking.

Is there a tutorial for this ever-changing comment system? It's impossible to know what you are replying to or seeing replies to post.

I would think it is mostly due to Mars actually having an atmosphere which can scatter light and therefore looks bright. The moons lack of one means that the light makes it to the surface unimpeded.

Really with all of the bad Gemballa cars you picked the most reasonable one. I would prefer an unmolested Carrera GT, but that is not one I would feel ashamed of being seen in.

Would be great for people like be who live in an apartment and don't have room for a lot of tools. The real questions is if now you end up with a tools that is not particularly good at anything.

This is the winner! Seems like it was purposely bad.

Cool to also see how hot the tires are.