
It never ceases to amaze me when the comments here just accept a film’s review blindly. Like, no shit the guy who didn’t like it three weeks ago still doesn’t like it. Maybe I’ll agree, maybe I won’t, but I’ll still watch this with an open mind.

Mr Dowd’s views on this movie were made most clear in his review of it at Cannes and then again and again when mentioning it again and again in his reviews for other movies at Cannes. Might have been interesting to have the full review done by someone else. 

Sherdian [said] that he has a hard time remembering what the actual ending of the movie is because it went through so many iterations.

Get the same architect who screwed up the same house last time.

She’s constantly eating pretend food and starving what more do you want from her.

This hardly surprises me, as people have been calling on DC to drain the swamp for years.

I remember the “No one cares anymore” line in the trailer and thought then it might be ironically prophetic.

Weird you say that. When I eat a sandwich made from a hinged loaf, the hinge absolutely must be on the left side.

is it that bad that a lot of TV comedy writing jobs go to the alumni of the most selective comedy writing club at one of the most selective schools?

This is the angle they tend to take on stuff Magic- or RPG-related, which, aside from being regressive and hacky, seems weird for a site predicated on being obsessively nerdy about things. I think it’s meant to come across as affectionate? Maybe?

The series is going to be just the main characters walking through an endless series of forests when they just need to find a second island. 

I’m not normally one for destructive criticism, but what the hell possessed you to write this?

“How many… customers are shocked…”

Yeah it worked fine with me, and I could generally troubleshoot any issue rather quickly and got good with using a bunch of its ancillary features. C'est la vie I guess.

Im the only person in the world who never had a single problem with iTunes, apparently.

As long as I’m still able to buy mp3s, rip CDs, and sync my iPhone, I don’t care about rebranding.

How did she manage to miss out on Ted Nugent?

I’m guessing her type is dudes who shit themselves

Good news for those forced to retire their shitty Borat impressions a few years back: there’s now a confirmed appropriate location to revive it, and that’s within earshot of Kid Rock. So if you’re at a KR concert or appearance or anywhere in his vicinity, you can feel free to “My wiiiife!” and “very nice!” away to